Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Nurses' Ball 2016 Day 2: Game of Throne

       It may not have been on stage (because that would have been REALLY tacky!) but the ol' commode made an appearance Day 2 of the Nurses' Ball all the same...


         NED:  Don't I look like Elton? 
         EMMA:  Don't I look very cute? 
         NED:  Don't fall off the piano!  
         EMMA:  I love to sparkle and shine! 
         NED:  I'm still around.  Don't forget I'm in town.   E-ven though NOBODY KNOWS IT! 
         EMMA: When were you la-st on?  
         NED:  I think it was when my mom had brain worms.  
         NED:  I'm a Quartermaine!
         EMMA:  And I'm a Scorpio-Drake!  
         NED & EMMA:  Get your checkbooks out now!  

         LUCY:  What they said!   Isn't Emma the CUTEST THING YOU'VE EVER SEEN? 

         FELIX:  Hey Brad, your other half is missing.   Where's Lucas?
         BRAD:  Don't sweat it.  He's off doing Lucas things. 

         EPIPHANY:  What the HAYULL is goin' on in there?   (opens bathroom door)
         EPIPHANY:  Hmmm, do I really want to take the gag outta this woman's mouth?  
         DR. OBRECHT:  DERNT JERST STERND ZERE!   GERT ZERS GERG ERTA MER MERF!          EPIPHANY:  (reluctantly removes gag) Don't make me regret this.  
         DR. OBRECHT:  Now get me off zis verflucht toilet and find my handpuppets AT ONCE!
         EPIPHANY:   Do you mean to say the queen wants to be dethroned?    As for the puppets, do you remember one Mr. Marbles?  

         HAYCHEL:  So, Commish, about that time I was shot...
         JORDAN:  Really?   You're going to make me WORK at the friggin' NURSES' BALL?   Get lost!  

        FELIX:  Hey Brad, your other half is missing.   Where's Lucas?
        BRAD:  Don't sweat it.  He's off doing Lucas things. 


            LUCAS:  OMG, Mom?   Isn't the floor kind of a rough place to take a nap?  
         BOBBIE:  Lucas?   Where are we?   Why am I dressed as a nurse?  OMG, this is the Nurses' Ball!   Why is backstage spinning like the mirror ball at the Campus Disco?  
         LUCAS:  Yeah, we better get you to the hospital and trade that nurse's getup for a gown and slippery socks.  
         BOBBIE:  Remember how you're supposed to get married in 5 minutes?  

         CARLY:  Mirror mirror on the wall, who's the cheapest slut of all. 
         AVA:  Cute, Carly, real cute.  Too bad your nursery rhymes will be lost on Avery because tomorrow morning, she's MINE!
         CARLY:  I don't think so.  Watch it and weep, Jerome!


        AVA:  Smack me good, Paul, smack me REAL GOOD!  
        PAUL:  50 Shades of Sexy Paintings, baby!   You know artwork has eyes.  
        AVA:  Don't I know it!   Artwork tells no lies.   It lays it all out for everyone to see!  
        PAUL:  What exactly do you mean by that, sugarlips?  


      AVA:  You know I recorded that on purpose, didn't you?   You never know when you're gonna need a sex tape to spice things up.  
      CARLY:  Wait until Kiki sees it.   Wait 'till it goes VIRAL!   

          LUCY:  As if one cute kiddo on stage at the Nurses' Ball weren't enough, here is Jake Webber!           JAKE:  Need. Franco.  NOW!
          LIZ:  You can do it, Jakey!  
          FRANCO:  Quackity quack, don't talk back!  
          JAKE:  Quack quack baby! 
          FRANCO:  You quack me up!  
          JAKE:  Life is like a hurricane, here in Duckburg!  
          FRANCO:  Race cars, lasers, aeroplanes, it's a duck blur!
          JAKE:  Might solve a mystery
          FRANCO:  Or rewrite history!
          JAKE & FRANCO:  Ducktales!  Woo-oo!  


         JAKE:  Franco, you were the AWESOMEST OF AWESOME!  
         FRANCO:  And you were AWESOMER than the AWESOMEST OF AWESOME!
         LIZ:  Go Jakey!  Go Jakey!  Go go go Jakey!
         JAKE:  Dad, wasn't Franco hilarious?   
         JASON:  That's one way of putting it, son.  

      LUCAS:  I need some help here.   The opening number  took a lot outta my mom and she passed out.   
      DR. FINN:  I can check her for brain worms.   They're my specialty.   That and bearded dragons. 
      DR. OBRECHT:  Be afraid, Bobbie Spencer.  Be verrrry afraid of Doctah Finish Zem Off.  


      PAUL:  We have a problem, young lady. 
      AVA:  Oh really?  Whatever do you mean, Mister District Attorney?
      PAUL:  I'll put his to you simply:  You're Carly's bitch, Miss Jerome.  


      LUCY:  Are 'yall ready for this?   It's Magic Milo time!!!  
      MAGIC MILO:  Lucas has been replaced by a priest.  This should be fun.
      GRIFFIN:  Money for AIDS research, Griffin.  Money for AIDS research.  
      CURTIS:  Nobody tells Curtis Ashford to shut up.   NO-BO-DY! 
      FELIX:  Man that new priest is lookin' hotter than Hades!  
      DILLON:  Last year I was all about a Lulu.  Now I'm into a Kiki.   How does this keep happening?  


     DR. FINN:  Good news, Nurse Spencer.  You don't have brain worms.  Bad news:  Your head is spinning 'round and 'round like a record.   You remember those, right?  Records ?  Anyway, you might need an exorcist.   I'll see if I can scare one up. 
     LUCAS:  This dude's a little nuts, but he knows what he's doing, Mom.   He extracted thousands of worms from Tracy Quartermaine's brain.   Looks like I'm gonna have to put the ol' kibosh on the Nurses' Ball nuptials. 
    BOBBIE:  You will do NO SUCH THING, LUCAS JONES!   Marry Brad already,  before he finds another secret wife!


      AVA:   Gimme your phone, CAR-LY!  NOW! 
     CARLY:  You never know when you might need a sex tape to spice things up.   How do you like your little packet of sriracha now, A-VA?   By the way, I still have the flash drive. 
     CARLY:  Hello?   She's a year and a half old and calls my hubby DADDY! 
     AVA:  And she calls ME mommy!  
     CARLY:  Want the flash drive?   You're gonna have to fight me for it and with my catfighting track record...good luck with that.  
     AVA:  (grabs flash drive from Carly while she's gloating and flushes it down the toilet) Let it go!  Let it go!   Put it in and flush it down!   I don't care what you're going to say.  
    CARLY:  It is on the cloud!   Diaper changing never bothered me anyway.   


     DIANE:  Sorry to have to do this to you during THE social event of the year, but you're being served.
     JASON:  Say WHAAAAAAAAAT???    Sorry to have to say this, Sam, but your cousin's a rat bastard. 

     NIKOLAS:  I said BEHAVE YOURSELF or I'll send you to time out.  What part of "Don't kibitz with the cops" do you not understand?  
     CURTIS:  Sexy Bodyguard to the rescue.   Hands off the Haychel, Princey-Prince! 


    LUCY:   Surprise!   Brad Cooper and Lucas Jones are getting HITCHED right here at the 2016 Nurses' Ball.   Should I start humming "Here Come The Grooms" yet?  
    BRAD:  I'm here.   That makes one of us.  


    UNCONSCIOUS LUCAS:  Told you I shouldn't have seen Brad before the ceremony.   The superstition is real, people.  It's real!   


Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Nurses' Ball 2016 Day 1: Mic Drop

      Because a little Nina with a microphone on the Nurses' Ball Red Carpet is a dangerous thing...


      EMMA: Is it time for us to pretend to watch the Nurses' Ball yet, Mommy?
      ROBIN:  Just about.   Too bad Daddy is stuck in Genoa City pretending to be some guy named Billy.   Oh well, I had to miss the Nurses' Ball last year because I was AGAIN being held captive by Cassdines, so I guess this year it's his turn.  


       DONNIE SHELDON:  Joining us on the Red Carpet this year, for some reason, is Editor-In-Chief of Crimson magazine, Nina Reeves.  
       NINA:  Hi camera!   It's me, Nina.   I'm on the red carpet.  Look, it's AH-na Devane, the ex-commish who's now a criminal!   Tell me, AH-na, is orange the new black?  
       ANNA:  It's ANNA, dammit.  ANNA!!! 
       NINA:  That went well.  


        AMY:  I'm SUPER psyched to be onstage this year.  Like O to the MG, I'm going to be star of the show.  Remember when The Britch showed up ON STAGE at the Nurses' Ball, PREGGERS???   And IT WASN'T EVEN HER BABY!!   And LAST YEAR, Ric Lansing proposed to Elizabeth and CARLY outed him for hiring Hayden Barnes--I mean RACHEL BERLIN to be Jake Doe's--I mean JASON MORGAN'S fake wife!  
        LIZ:  OMG, my ears are bleeding!   Please make it stop and give that girl a muzz--kerPLUNK!
       FRANCO:  I'll save you, Elizabeth, because I'M YOUR HERO!  
        LIZ:  You are?    


      CARLY:  I mean it, Obrecht!   No opening number shenanigans this year or I'll have you forcibly removed from the stage.  
       DR. OBRECHT:  How predictable do you sink I am, Mrs. Corinsos?   Seizing control of ze opening number is, as you Americans say, SO last year.
      CARLY:  AND the year before.  


      KIKI:  What's the service hedgehog still doing here? 
      AVA:  Hello!  He's intercepting dead birds.   Why else would I let him saw a log cabin on my couch every night?  
      SCOTT:  Is that a way to treat your service lawyer hedgehog dead bird wrangling date for this shindig? 
      AVA:  Considering last year at this time even I thought I was dead, attending the social event of the year with a snoring hedgehog is a step up. 


      DONNIE:  Here is Prince Nikolas Cassadine...
      NINA:  And RACHEL BERLIN!   You know, daughter of the Raymond that EVERYBODY HATES!   So, where's your SECRET STASH of Daddy's cash?  
      HAYCHEL:  Go to hell.  
      NIKOLAS:  Now that's not very Cassadine Royalty of you, Haychel.   Smile and say you're sorry.   I'll have you know, Donnie, that my wife has PLENTY of secret stashes.   Of what, nobody knows!  


     ANDRE:  They say "Physician heal thyself".  I hope that applies to shrinks because, Jordan, I have a bad case of lovin' you. 
     JORDAN:  As long as it's just me and not Anna too.   Two's company, Andre.  Three's a crowd.
     ANDRE:  But Three IS Company.   Come and knock on our door.   We've been waiting for you...


     LUCAS:  Why is Brad here, Mom.   That's bad luck.  Now something bad WILL happen.
     BRAD:  What could happen?   You accidentally marry Felix instead?   By the way, please don't do that.
     LUCAS:  Do what?
     BRAD:  Marry Felix by mistake.  
     FELIX:  I ain't NOBODY'S mistake.   Chill out, boys!  It's your wedding day.   Be happy!  Be gay!  
     LUCAS & BRAD:  We'll pretend we didn't hear that.    


     MAXIE:  Griffin, you need to release Nathan NOW because it's the Nurses' Ball and I can't fly solo on the red carpet.    
     GRIFFIN:  Sorry, no can do.   Head injury and all.  
     MAXIE:  Fine, then YOU be my date.  
     GRIFFIN:  I'm a priest.  Priests don't date. 
     MAXIE:  Fine, be my ESCORT.  
     GRIFFIN:  That's even worse!  (checks phone and sees text from Emma).  On second thought, what the hey?  


    NINA:  Kiki Zherome, don't you look lovely tonight.  
    KIKI:  Thanks.   This is super awkward, sharing a date with my MOM! 
    NINA:  By mom, she means Homewrecker Extraordinaire Ava Zherome who slept with MY LATE EX HUBBY SILAS. 
    AVA:  Someone put a gag order on that woman!   Prepare to hand Avery over, CARLY! 
    CARLY:  We'll see about that.  I'm about to take a little field trip.  
    NINA:  Look, here's my AMAZEBALLS assistant Maxie Jones with a man who isn't my brother! 
    MAXIE:  That's because your brother is still recovering from being hit in the head with a rock thrown by Carrrrrrrrlos and I'm standing with the man who's keeping him in the hospital to heal his wounds.   Oh, and he's also a priest, so Nathan has no reason to be jelly.


    EMMA:  Grandma Anna!   
    ANNA:  Emma?   Am I seeing things again?  I'm I still in the freezer on the docks?  Is Duke going to pop out of that curtain next?  How come I'm not freezing my arse off?  
    EMMA:  Grandma Anna, you said the British word for ---
    ROBIN:  O-kay, Emma, now can you tell me where this Griffin guy is?   Hi Mom.   Sorry I'm not Duke.   I have been in some hallucinations lately, though.  Just ask Jason.  


      DONNIE:  Here is former mob hitman who, rumor has it, is just now remembering ALL of his past and here's his ex-wife Sam.   So, are you the happiest divorced couple EVER or what?  
      SAM:  Have you seen my parents? 
      JASON:  I remember the Nurses' Ball.   It's all coming back to me now.  Every single number.   I'm starting to wonder if my brain can hold all this information I'm remembering.  

     CARLY:  It's time to play detective.   Now if I were a flash drive with a murder confession on it, where would I hide?   Sock drawer?   Bra drawer?  Cocktail shaker?  BINGO!   You're going DOWN, Ava Jerome.   Carly C does it again!   Crap, is that the door?   No, I guess it isn't.   Time to get back to the ball and bring Ava to her KNEES!  


      DONNIE:  Here is the woman who inspired the "Sorry Your House Exploded" t-shirts at the Sad Robe Store, Elizabeth Webber and on her arm is serial killer-turned art therapist, the one-named Franco!   What an odd pairing these two. 
      NINA:  I'll say.  
      LIZ:  Holy CRAP I'm wearing the same dress as HAYCHEL!  
      MAXIE:  You SO wore it better, but yeah, I'll find you something else.   
      NINA:  Twinsies!   
      HAYCHEL:  Could this infernal Nurses' Ball GET any worse?  
      NIKOLAS:  You're going DOWN, Jason Morgan.   NOBODY sics the IRS on a Cassadine.   Do you KNOW who I share DNA with?  
      ROBIN:  Oh NOES!   Two of my best friends hate each other's guts.   What am I gonna DO?  Whose side am I on?  


     EMMA:  Griffin, you're WAY too cute to be a priest.  
     GRIFFIN:  God doesn't think so.   He called me and I answered.  But that doesn't mean I can't play Cowboys and Neurosurgeons with you, kiddo.  


     CARLY:   Where's the murder confession?  What the---OMG!  This is even BETTER!    Carly Corinthos's Nurses' Ball Whistleblowing Streak is about to claim another victim! 


      LUCY:  Let the 2016 Nurses' Ball BEGIN! 
      GH STAFF:  NURSES!   We not gonna do that same old song from '14 and '15, that'd just be wrong.  We're bringin' on the new which means we're rappin' 'cuz the old song made everybody start nappin'.  NURSES!   We're name droppin' GH history 'cuz we got a motormouth newbie tryin' to create buzz.  
      AMY:  Amy Driscoll's my name.  Port Chuckles gossip's my game.   I'm finally on stage because stage crew's just lame.   The writers named me after Amy Vining.  People say I'm obnoxious, but they're just whining.  
      EPIPHANY:  I'm Nurse Johnson and Magic Milo's my man.   I always got my wits when the sh(*% hits the fan.   I don't take no crap from the Mad Teutonic.   She really needs to work on her English phonics.  
      ANDRE:  I'm the sexy shrink who makes women drool.  Jordan is a cop who likes to play by the rules.   Sometimes my heart feels divided and it drives me insane 'cuz I have myself a crush on Anna Devane.  
      FELIX:  Felix DuBois knows a thing or two about how to turn Brad Cooper into a better dude.  Now he's marrying Lucas and I'm his best man.   Lucy Coe will do the honors like only she can. 
      BRAD:  I'm Brad Cooper and I run the GH lab.  Your blood gets sent to me after you get a jab.  I used to be a sleazeball and I used to have a wife.   I divorced Rosalie and I'm about to change my life.
      BOBBIE:  I'm Bobbie Spencer and I guess I'm still a nurse.   I started feeling funny and now I feel worse.   When this number is over and they say that's a wrap I'm gonna go backstage and have myself a nap!  



    BOBBIE:  I was so not kidding when I said I needed a nap.  Now if only I could find a so--(collapses)


Monday, May 23, 2016


       Liz catching Nikolas picking up Haychel's diiiiiiiiamonds made today a blogworthy show.   Also, I love the Nurses' Ball, so you may see a few more blogs this week.    Without further ado...

       BOBBIE:  Look who's back in town for the Nurses' Ball!  ME!  Or did I never really leave town?  The writers' broom closet is really close quarters.   Oh, hi niece!
       VALERIE:  Hi aunt!   I agree, the broom closet does get pretty crowded.   And here I thought I was off studying at cop school.   At least Lulu isn't trying to sic her fugitive friends on me, so there's that.  Where's my sorta boyfriend Curtis?   Is he hanging out with that Haychel chick again?   By the way, I miss my mom.
        FELIX:  Hey, dayplayers on ladders, put some pep in your step.  Nurses' Ball is TOMORROW!   It's not like we didn't know this for MONTHS IN ADVANCE.   Hop to!
         BRAD:  Take a chill pill, Felix!  The Nurses' Ball is going to be extra awesome this year because Lucas and I are gettin' ourselves hitched!


        DR. OBRECHT:  Doctah Finn, consider yourself on notice.   You aah undah investigation.
        DR. FINN:  What for?   Were you not at the meeting with the new Chief of Staff?   Dr. Q says I'm clean as a whistle.   You can stick your German Inquisition where the sun don't shine.
        DR. OBRECHT:  I vouldn't be so cavalier if I vere you, doctah Finn.   I have been looking into your vork in zat city called Minneapolis in ze interest of putting togezzer a Doctah Finn Body Count.
       DR. FINN:  Yeah, good luck with that.   You might just find out that some people die of old age.  You're getting on in years yourself, Dr. O.   Maybe you should be getting your affairs in order.
       DR. OBRECHT:  Aah you sreatening me, Doctah Finn?   I vill continue my investigation and I vill see zat  you aah srown in the SCHLAMMER!


       LIZ:  Look at the DIIIIIIIIIIAMONDS!     That must be A ZILLION CARATS strewn across this floor!   And you said you were broke.
      NIKOLAS:  You didn't see the diamonds, Liz.  Begone!   NOW!
      LIZ:  Overreact much, Nikolas?   OMG, are these HAYCHEL'S DAD'S DIAMONDS????
      NIKOLAS:  What?   You expect me to be living above the local greasy spoon and serving up BLTs at Kelly's?   I have my standards, Liz.
      LIZ:  But those are BLOOD DIAMONDS, Nikolas!   Haychel's dad got them from Ponzi-ing a bunch of poor, unsuspecting people!   I can't unsee this!
      NIKOLAS:  Yes you can and you will.   Cassadine orders.


    MARCOS:  Sorry cuz, but you gots to DIE!
    SABRINA:  Noooo, Marrrrrrrrrrcos!   Don't kill me!   I have a baaaaaaaaybeeeeeee!
    MARCOS:  Your mistake, gettin' involved with Sonny Corrrrrrrintos's kid.
    SABRINA:  But he BROKE UP WITH ME!   I hid Carrrrrrrrrrlos from him and made him believe my baaaaaaaaybeeeeeeee was his!
   MARCOS:  Um...don't care.   I gotta cover my ass, even if it means killing my cuz.
   MICHAEL:  SABS!   (Jumps Marcos and gets his gun)
   SONNY:  Easy, boy.   Kick the gun over to me.   It always looks more badass when I've got one in each hand .
   SABRINA:  Michael, you saved my life!    MY HERO!
   SONNY:  Get a room!  Might I suggest my private jet?   Just finish up by the time I get back from dealing with this random goon.


     JULIAN:  Check this out, good wife.   I have a little something something for you to make up for the whole murdering Carrrrrrrrrrrrlos with your evil step granny's dagger.   You like?   It's full of diiiiiiiiiiamonds!
     ALEXIS:  I don't like your face anymore.
     JULIAN:  Say WHAAAAAAAT?   Is that an accusation, Alexis?   I don't like accusations.   Accusations make me VERY CRANKY!   (cell phone rings)  Whaddaya want?   Oh, hi son I almost forgot I had.
    LUCAS:  (over the phone)  Hey dad, get to GH ASAP.  
    JULIAN:  Are you bleeding?
    LUCAS:  Nope.
    JULIAN:  Is your leg falling off?
    LUCAS:  Nope.
    JULIAN:  I'm kinda in the middle of yelling at my wife.  Can this wait?
    LUCAS:  Nope.
    JULIAN:  Fine, I'll be there and you'd better be in one piece.


      MARCOS:  I come in peace, man.
      SONNY:  BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!   Prepare to DIE!   Just kidding.  I need you alive to help me send Julian Jerome to Pumpkinville.   Get it?  Pumpkinville?   Orange jumpsuits?   Where's your sense of humor, man?
      MARCOS:  I don't know no Julian Jerome.   Is he in the NBA?   Is he on Game of Thrones?   Is he running for President?  
      SONNY:  Does the name Carrrrrrrrrrrlos Rrrrrrrriverrrrrrra ring a bell? 
      MARCOS:  Well, DUH!   Carrrrrrrrrrrlos is my compadre.   We go back a long way.   He didn't say nothin' about this Julian Jerome guy. 
      SONNY:  You know what, Marrrrrrrrrcos?   I'm not gonna kill ya.   I'll let the fellas in cellblock D do the honors.  Orange really is your color.     

     HAYCHEL:  Dem's FIGHTIN' WORDS!   (Jumps Nikolas and they end up on the floor) Hey, you wanna have some Petit Mort?
     NIKOLAS:  You disgust me!   By the way, you're going to pretend to be my loving wife tomorrow at the Nurses' Ball.  Cassadine Orders.   You know what those mean, don't you, Haychel?
     HAYCHEL:  Two words:  Orange Jumpsuit.


     SABRINA:  OMG OMG OMG!   Marrrrrrrrcos could have killed me and I might never have seen my baaaaaaaybeeeeee again!   Sorry I lied about Carrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrlos, Michael.  
     MICHAEL:  Aw, Sabs, I'm sorry I ditched you and drove you to run away with the guy!   Why didn't you TELL me that life on the run with a fugitive was getting under your skin?
     SABRINA:  Because...because he shot your dad and you guys hated his guts and I had all the guilt feels about making you believe you were the baby daddy and I knew I wouldn't last five minutes in lockup and...
     MICHAEL:  Hey, I get it, I get it.   You know Carrrrrrrrrlos is dead for real this time, right?
     SABRINA:  Come on, Michael, this is Port Chuckles!    No one dies for real in this town!  

     CURTIS:  Hey girlfriend!   Nice moves.
     VALERIE:  So you decided to show up after all.   How come I don't get to see you practice stripping?
      CURTIS:  Because Lucy Coe has us rehearse in an undisclosed location.  No spoilers, girl!  Not even for you.
      VALERIE:  How about for Haychel?
      VALERIE:  Ha ha! Just kidding!


       HAYCHEL:  Dr. Finn.  Here's 10 grand.   Does that make me slightly less of a bitch to you?  
       DR. FINN:  Um, NO!
       HAYCHEL:  Well, I tried.   At least you'll never run out of lizard food.
       DR. FINN:  Roxy's a BEARDED DRAGON, you idiot!

       LIZ:  Dr. Finn, are you going to pass out?
       LIZ:  That went well...

       JULIAN:  So, Lucas, what's the big emergency?  
       LUCAS:  I'm getting married at the Nurses' Ball tomorrow and a need a best man.   Are you in, Dad?
       JULIAN:  Um, NO!
       LUCAS:  Say WHAAAAAAAAAAAT?    I thought you were totally down with my gay marriage.   You told me you voted for Bernie Sanders in the primary.
       JULIAN:  I've totally gone progressive, son.  I'm feeling the Bern real good.  Trouble is, I just offed Carrrrrrrrrrlos and stuff's a little crazy right now.   You understand, don't you?    A Jerome's gotta do what a Jerome's gotta do.


     ALEXIS:  Diane, will you help me pick my self-respect off the floor?
     DIANE:  I can try.   Is it about your mobster hubby and the Carrrrrrrlos thing?
     ALEXIS:  I knew he was a mobster when I married him but HE SAID HE'D CHANGED!
     DIANE:  This is going to be harder than I'd thought.   Do you have any actual factual evidence that can get him sent up the river?
     ALEXIS:  Well...
     JULIAN:  You didn't tell me we had company.   Are you conspiring with Diane to accuse me of more stuff I actually did but won't admit to doing?


      BRAD:  Hey Felix, a little favor to ask.  This is really last minute, but I kinda need a best man for my wedding tomorrow.   Interested?
       FELIX:  You're right, it's totes last minute and feels like a sad consolation prize...but what the hey?   It's not like I won't be looking FAB-U-LOSO for the Ball already, so you've got yourself a best man.
       LUCAS:  Sweet.  Thanks, Felix.   My dad turned me down because "stuff got complicated" so my sister's going to step in and be my best person.   This is going to be THE BEST NURSES' BALL EVER!  

Monday, May 9, 2016

The Jason Show that was All About Jason


  I'm back, albeit on a "recurring" basis.   In other words, when I see a show I feel like blogging, I'll blog it.   Today's show was a standalone staring Jason Jake Quartermaine Morgan Doe Morgan as himself.   When Carrrrrrrrrrrlos was making a run for it, the PCPD transfer van crashed into a dude on a motorcycle.   Who could that POSSIBLY BE?    What a TRULY BAFFLING turn of events!   But hey, whatever puts HELLZ-BELLZ on my screen works for me!

     ON THE SIDE OF THE ROAD ALONG RTE 9 (because Rte 31 was closed for construction)

      JASON:  ANOTHER ACCIDENT???   This is getting ridiculous, people!   Who ran me down this time?   A giant honkin' COP VAN!   Can anyone give cops a ticket for reckless driving or do they have to do it themselves?    Hey, anyone alive in there???
      GHOST OF RANDOM COP WHO WAS DRIVING VAN:  Um, not me.  Thanks for cutting off my raging lunatic prisoner, PUNK!
       JASON:  Oooookay, he's dead.   Any other mangled bodies around here, dead or alive?
       UNCONSCIOUS DANTE:  Is it just me or am I being pinned down by a giant honkin' prisoner transfer van?
        HALLUCI-ROBIN:  You can SAVE, Dante, Jason.  You can do it!  Why?  BECAUSE YOU'RE SUPER JASON, hero hitman with a conscience! 


       SAM:  Should I tuck Danny in, chat up my ex-nephew-in-law, or wring my hands worrying about the whereabouts of my ex-hubby Jason?
       MICHAEL:  I vote for option B.   Hey, if it's any comfort, I'm wringing my hands worrying about the whereabouts of my ex-girlfriend, so I can totes relate.
       SAM:  For that matter, where is Danny?   I haven't seen him since he was, like, four.
       MICHAEL:  Yeah, he's grown so much and the baby teeth count is down by at least five or six.


      JASON:  Dante, buddy, the bad news is that you're trapped under this prison van.  The good news is that Robin says I'm Super Jason and I can get you out of here if I put my mind to it.   The other bad news is that I have a headache that Excedrin can't touch.
     HALLUCI-ROBIN:  You'll figure it out, Jason, and you'll save Dante.  Go Jason!  Go Jason!  Go go go Jason!
     JASON:  So, it I just move the dead guy out of the driver's seat and put the van in neutral...
     HALLUCI-CARLY:  Good luck with that.   One wrong move and Dante turns into Lieutenant Dan from Forrest Gump.
      JASON:  So now I'm hallucinating Carly.  Who's next?  Elizabeth?  God forbid, Franco???
      HALLUCI-CARLY:  Forget about those losers!  I'M here!  Your BESTIE!
      JASON:  Then why have you been spending so much time with that weird doctor and his pet lizard?
      HALLUCI-CARLY:  It's a service lizard.  No, make that a service bearded dragon.   Why Jasey-jase, are you JEALOUS? 


        SAM:  I miss the old Jason, but I feel guilty about it because Jason-Minus-Memories is a really nice guy as long as he's not in the same room with my pompous cousin or Franco.
         MICHAEL:  Wanna start a We Hate Nikolas and Franco club?
         SAM:  Thanks but no thanks.   I'm too busy worrying about my mom and mourning the loss of her principles, yet feeling like a hypocrite for doing so.
          MICHAEL:  Well, Julian's an asshat, but he IS your dad.   I can relate.   There was a time I thought my dad was an asshat for killing my bio-dad, who, for a long time I thought HE was the biggest asshat of all.  My dad and I are tight again, but I'm still divided between my Quartermaine self and my Corinthos self.   We could totally be doing shots right now, but I'm still having stroller tipping flashbacks.


         JASON:  If I can't drive the van, maybe I can use my superhuman strength to lift it.   Who am I kidding?  I need a jack.
         HALLUCI-HELENA:  What?  Were you expecting a grease monkey to hand you a jack?   Such laziness is most unbecoming of my solider boy.
         JASON:  I should have known.   Get lost you diabolical deadly-yet-actually dead diva!   Nice legs, by the way.
         HALLUCI-HELENA:  Rumors of my demise HAVE been exaggerated in the past.   Let that be a warning to you, Soldier Boy.
         JASON:  I saw you die Hellz-A-Bellz.   Ergo, you are most certainly dead.
        HALLUCI-HELENA:  BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!   So physically skilled, yet so unfortunately gullible.   Do you believe EVERYTHING you see on Cassadine Island?
         JASON:  Speaking of Cassadine Island, what in the name of the Sad Robe Store did you do to my son Jake?   Even FRANCO is freaked out by the kid and that's truly disturbing.
        HALLUCI-HELENA:  I can assure you, Mister Morgan, that I have NEVER worn a sad robe.
        JASON: Do you have any mysterious Cassadine pain relief potions on you by any chance?   It feels like Satan is driving nails into my headspace.
         HALLUCI-HELENA:  That is your mind resisting The Conditioning.
         JASON:  Dr. Drake removed my "conditioning".   I should know.  I had a maxi pad stuck on my forehead for two months.  Then it was downgraded to a pantiliner.
         HALLUCI-HELENA:  I am nothing if not thorough.   Who's to say there isn't more where that came from? 


         SAM:  Maybe we'd all be better of if Daddy Julian was in the clink.   Wait, wasn't that what my mom said about Jason?
         MICHAEL:  But Jason was a GOOD mobster who only killed BAD mobsters.    Just like my dad.


       HALLUCI-SAM:  Jason, don't listen to that curse-spewing maybe-dead Maleficent.   You can save Dante and you can be whatever Jason you want to be. 
       HALLUCI-HELENA:  (rolls eyes)  Oh, the TEDIUM!
       JASON:  I must have a fever of 250 right now.   My head is about to explode!  MAKE IT STOP!
       HALLUCI-HELENA:  Rockabye Jason, lay your head down.   Your memories, nowhere to be found.   Go to sleep now, it will ease the pain.   When you wake up, nothing will remain.
        JASON:  Sam, you gotta let me know.  Should I stay or should I go?
        HALLUCI-SONNY:  Why don't you stay-ay-ay!   Just a little bit longer!
        JASON:  I really am hallucinating now.   Sonny's SINGING!   Is this some sort of twisted musical based on my life?  Is this the Nurses' Ball?   I'M SOOOOOO CONFUUUUUSED!
        HALLUCI-SONNY:  Oooh, you make me live!   Oh, you're my best friend!
        JASON:  Queen now.   Okay.   What's next, Sonny?   Bohemian Rhapsody?   Can you do the Fandango?
        HALLUCI-SONNY:  I see your true colors shining through!   I see your true colors, and that's why I love you.
         JASON:  Simon says, stop singing and help me rescue your kid.    I'll use this Rte 9 sign as a lever and you drag Dante out from under that big honkin' prison van, 'kay?
        HALLUCI-SONNY:  When you're lost and alone and you're sinking like a stone--
        JASON:  Dude, you're killing me.
        HALLUCI-SONNY:  Carry on!


       DANNY:  Bad news, Mom.   Annabelle 2.0 peed in Scary Aunt Tracy's closet. 
       SAM:  Holy SORAS, what's in the water in this ginormous mansion?   How old ARE you now, Danny?
       DANNY:  Duh, Mom!  I'm six.  Or maybe seven.   Isn't it weird how I got older and my brother Jake got younger?   We're practically the same age now. 
       SAM:  It's less weird than you might think, kiddo.   We live in a very strange town.
       DANNY:  At least I'm not too old for my mom to sing me a lullaby.
       SAM:  Um...Lullaby, and good night...and that's the only part I remember...


       JASON:  Ooof!  Ugh!   GRRRRRRRRR!!!!!
       RTE 9 SIGN:  Here ya go, man.
       JASON:  Hey Dante, good news.   No Lieutenant Dan legs for you.   You're welcome.
       JASON:  ...And THAT happened...
       ALL OF JASON'S HALLUCINATIONS:  Nothing really matters.  Anyone can see.   Nothing really matters.   Nothing really matters.  To me.   Anywhere the wind blooooooows!
       JASON:  I could really use some morphine right now...