Friday, May 29, 2015

Someone In The Immediate Family

       The DNA on Denise/Flava has come in and the results are intriguing to say the least.  Franco makes himself at home in Nathan's bedroom.  Olivia kicks Nina out of the MetroCourt, but Ric comes to his new wife's rescue.  Lulu asks Nikolas to use his influence to ensure that Valerie does not get hired at the PCPD.  Sloane informs Anna that Lomax gave him the axe.  Michael asks a favor of Rosalie.  Ric pays a visit to a certain someone in Pentonville.   Lulu learns some disturbing new

          SONNY:  Open the damn envelope already! 
          DENISE:  Hold yoah hoahses, Don Corinthos!   We gotta wait for mah mustachioed lawyah! 
          ALEXIS:  Nice to see you too, "Denise". 
          LUCAS: Here goes...This is interesting.   You're not Ava, but you're...wait for this...her long lost sister!  


         LULU:  Big brother Nikolas, you've GOT to help me make sure Valerie does NOT get hired at the PCPD.   I CAN'T have her and Dante spending the whole friggin' day together.  Please use your powers of Cassadine black magic on Commissioner Sloane and convince him to not hire her.   Please, pretty please, with a cherry on top, and sprinkles?
          NIKOLAS:  Let me get this straight:  You want to sabotage your cousin's attempt to find gainful employment in this town and you want me to pay Sloane off to keep Valerie off the PCPD payroll?   We have a problem. 
          LULU:  You're right.  She's my COUSIN and I was too blinded by jealousy to realize what I was asking you to do.   I'm such a monster. 
          NIKOLAS:  Relax, Lulu, I meant we have a problem because Sloane's not the commissioner anymore.   Lomax gave him the pink slip. 
          LULU:  And you know this how? 
          NIKOLAS:  (fingers crossed behind back) Lomax paid me a visit trying to hit me up for a campaign donation.  Of course I turned her down.  I was Team Felicia and Team Anna, after all.
          LULU:  Do you think I'm terrible for what I was about to have you do to Valerie?
          NIKOLAS:  You're not the only one to get in touch with your dark side lately.   We all have a dark side, little sis. 
         Q MANSION

           MICHAEL:  Rosalie, I have a favor to ask you. 
           ROSALIE:  If it has to do with that baby sis of yours, I don't do diapers.  Besides, she has a nanny for that, right?
           MICHAEL:  It has nothing to do with AJ.   I want you to bribe Nina to get Franco to give his shares back to me. 


          OLIVIA:  Time's up Nina.  Pack your bags, cuz you've been EVICTED from the MetroCourt.
          NINA:  Have you forgotten, dear Olivia, what I know about your baby? 
          OLIVIA: (fingers crossed behind back) There is no baby, Nina.  I lost my little boy.  Besides, Julian knows so the deal's off. 
          NINA:  I'm so sorry about losing a baby.  That happened to me once.  My mother---
          OLIVIA:  Save it, Nina!  Upstairs, now!  Find a new place to squat. 
          RIC:  Hey hey hey!  No one accuses my wife of squatting! 
          OLIVIA: Your WIFE?   Since when? 
          RIC:  Since five minutes after Elizabeth threw my ring at me at the Nurses' Ball.   Nina and I, we're just a better fit. 
          OLIVIA: Fine, I'll kick BOTH of you out.
          RIC:  Where do you think we are?  Indiana?  I'll sue for discrimination. 
          OLIVIA:  Fine, then I'll stick YOU with the bill.   Pay up or ship out. 


           FRANCO:  (whistling) Zip-a-dee-doo-dah, Zip-a-dee-ay.  My oh my what a wonderful day!  Plenty of sunshine headed my way!  Zip-a-dee-doo-dah, Zip-a-dee---
           NATHAN:  What the HELL?
           MAXIE:  Franco?   In your BEDROOM?  Watching us SLEEP? 
           FRANCO:   Good morning to you too, Maxie.  Remember that time we slept together?   Good times! 
           FRANCO:   Yeah, we got it on, Maxie and me.
           MAXIE:  It was ONE TIME, waaaaaaaaay before I met you, Nathan.   Call it temporary insanity. 
           FRANCO:  Call it what you want, but it happened. 
           NATHAN:  What do you want with us, Franco? 
           FRANCO:  It's what do I want with YOU, musclebound law enforcer.   I want you to talk some sense into your sister-cousin about her new hubby Ric.
           NATHAN:  Nina got married?  Why wasn't I invited?

           ANNA'S ROOM

          ANNA:  What did Lomax want with you?
          SLOANE:  She wanted to give me the old heave ho.   I've been fired. 
          ANNA:  On what grounds? 
          SLOANE:  Naming the wrong guy for Duke's murder while the "real killer" is on the loose. 
          ANNA:  This is all my fault.  You got fired for protecting me. 
          SLOANE:  More like Lomax freaking out over her poll numbers.  Don't worry.  I know a way to bring her down. 
           ANNA:  And that would be? 
          SLOANE:  I'll spin a tale of a rigged election.   It was all part of my misguided revenge plot against you, but, as you can see, I have since changed my mind. 
           ANNA:  How can you bring her down over a rigged election YOU took part in? 
           SLOANE:  Two words:  Nikolas Cassadine!


           NINA:  Hello, hubby!   Thanks for stepping in with Olivia and paying my bill. 
           RIC:  I hear cash flow isn't exactly a problem for you.   Your family's loaded. 
           NINA:  It's not like I can even GET to that money.  The state still thinks I'm too crazy to handle it. 
           RIC:  What you need is a good lawyer--I mean husband.   I can free up that money for you.
          NINA:  Or do you mean for YOU? 
          Q MANSION

           ROSALIE:  I'm not touching Nina with a 10-foot pole.   Besides, it's not as if she'll listen to me. 
          MICHAEL:  Rosalie, you're my only hope at getting those shares back and the only path to Franco is Nina.  Please, pretty please, with a cherry on top? 
          ROSALIE:  Throw in the chocolate sprinkles and I'll think about it. 
          MICHAEL:  As many chocolate sprinkles as you want.
          ROSALIE:  Fine, I'll do it.


          LULU:  (on phone) Dad is MISSING?  When did this happen?  How?   I'll be right there.  (hangs up)  OMG, Nikolas, Dad is missing.  Has he gone to the dark side again?  
          NIKOLAS:  Luke's on the lam again?   I mean, I'm sorry to hear that, Lulu.  
          LULU:  Gotta go. 

           NATHAN:  You want me to talk to my sister?  I'll handle it.  Now scram!
           FRANCO:  Only if I get to take credit for you handling it.   Mention my name!
           NATHAN:  You wish!  Now GET OUT!  
           MAXIE:  Ewwwww!  Franco touched my nailfile. 

         Q MANSION

        ROSALIE:  (on phone)  Mr. Cassadine, we have a problem. 
        NIKOLAS:  What now, Rosalie?
        ROSALIE:  This is huge.  I'll hop the launch to Wyndemere. 


        JULIAN:  How can this be?   I don't have any other siblings, that I know of. 
        LUCAS:  That's where the "long lost" part comes in, Dad.  Apparently this Denise has enough DNA in common with Ava to be a member of her immediate family, but not Ava herself.  
        DENISE:  Long lost sistah, how very Southwest General.   So can I go now if I didn't commit no murdah? 
        DELIA:  I think I can clear this up. 



    Dun dun dun!!!!!

    "RIC: Where do you think we are? Indiana? I'll sue for discrimination."

    I don't get the Indiana thing.

  2. "I don't get the Indiana thing."

    Ric actually made that joke on the show. There was a law passed in Indiana which lets businesses refuse service to anyone based on the business owners' (most likely religious) beliefs.

    1. Yeah I know Ric made the joke, I just didn't get it. Oh I didn't know Indiana has a new law.
