Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Carly & Sonny's Wedding #5: Carly Finds Out

    Jake tells Carly that Sonny's been shot.  Maxie, Lulu, & Sabrina kibitz about Sonny's dangerous mobular lifestyle.  Jordan lays into Dante after TJ explains what went down at the warehouse.  Sloane throws Anna's murder of Carrrrrrlos in her face.  Ava asks Julian to stop Sonny & Carly's wedding.  Patrick gives Sonny's family an update on Sonny's condition.  


     JAKE:  Sorry to be a wedding crasher and all, but there's a reason I have blood all over my shirt.  Sonny's been shot.  
     CARLY:  OMG OMG OMG!  Is Sonny ALIVE, Jake?   IS HE ALIVE???
     JAKE:  Barely, but yes.  The ambulance came and he's probably in the ER by now.  
     CARLY:   Michael, fire up the teleporter.  I need to be in his ER cubicle STAT! 


     TJ:  So I was making Sonny & Carly's wedding cake and--
     JORDAN:  Since when do you bake cakes for mobster weddings, TJ? 
     TJ:  Can we stick to what happened in the warehouse, Mom?  Anyway, two masked dudes jumped me, put a bag over my head and took me to this warehouse.  They made me call Sonny and tell him to come unarmed and without backup.  If he hadn't gone to save MY ASS, he'd be getting married right now.  This is ALL MY FAULT!  
     DANTE:  Dude, you didn't ask to be kidnapped!   So who shot Sonny?   Was it Charlie No-Neck? 
     TJ:  I didn't see him.  The shot literally came out of NOWHERE.   Sonny kicked Charlie's ass and grabbed his gun.  While he was ordering Charlie to untie me, one of his hidden goons must have shot Sonny.   Mr. C saved my life.  
    JORDAN:  Like hell he did!   Those thugs USED you to get to Sonny.  This is MY WORST NIGHTMARE COME TRUE!  
     TJ:  Chill, Mom, I'm all in one piece.   Sonny's the one who might be dying and he's the one who saved my life.  


      SLOANE:  You get me an immunity deal or I'll sing a song of murder of a man named Carrrrrrrrlos Rrrrrrrrriverrrrrrrrrrrra.    Remember him?   The ghost who haunted your every waking and sleeping moment and drove you to drink enough to have sex with me?  
       ANNA:  If I recall correctly, you got rid of the evidence. 
       SLOANE:  WRONG!   I kept that gun.  Never know when it might come in handy.  You know, leverage and all. 
       ANNA:  YOU SCUM!!!   Duke would mop the floor with you, Kyle.  
       SLOANE:  Yeah, Duke the mobster who chose Sonny over you.   How's that for loyalty? 
       ANNA:  At least he doesn't go around carrying murder weapons in ziploc bags.  

      CARLY:  Save Sonny, Patrick.  SAVE. HIM. NOW. 
      PATRICK:  Kinda hard to do that with you YELLING. IN. MY. EAR. 
      CARLY:  Sonny, don't die!  Don't you DARE die on me, Sonny!   SAVE HIM, GODDAMNIT! 
      PATRICK:  Throwing you out of the ER in 3..2...Michael, can you help me clear all hysterical relatives from my workspace?  
      MORGAN:  Dad, you gotta live, man!   DAD!  
      MICHAEL:  Will do.   


      MAXIE:  OMG!  Life is so fragile!  Everyone around Sonny gets hurt.  But I kinda admire Sonny's badassishness.   OMG!  No one else die on me, okay?   Need. Alcohol. Now. 
      LULU:  I think we can all use a drink.  
      AVERY:  GIMME!  
      SABRINA:  I'm so glad Michael is with the Qs now and away from the mob.  Maybe he should have kept Avery after all.  
       MAXIE:  Remember how Michael went to prison to protect Sonny?   And how he shot Crazy Claudia?  
       SABRINA:  But...but...Michael's a Disney Prince now, when he's not being drugged by his brother and Kiki.  
       AVERY:  Da Da Da Ba Ba Ya Ya Goo Goo!  
       LULU:  So sweet, yet so oblivious!  


        SAM:  Jake saved Sonny's life.  He shot Charlie and his goons and got himself all bloodied up trying to keep Sonny from bleeding out. 
        JAKE:  I wouldn't go THAT far.  
        CARLY:  Are you sure you're not Jason?  
        JAKE:  Very funny, Carly. 
        PATRICK:  Listen up, everyone.  Sonny needs blood for a transfusion.  
        MORGAN:  I'll do it. 
        CARLY:  If he gets a transfusion, does that mean he'll live? 
        PATRICK:  Maybe.   

        PCPD JAIL

        AVA:  Julian, can you do me a favor and stop Sonny & Carly from getting married.  When I think of CARLY being Avery's mother, I die a little inside. 
        JULIAN:  How am I supposed to stop this wedding?   Blow up the altar?  
        AVA:  You don't know what it's like to lose a child. 
        JULIAN:  Oh REALLY, Ava?   REALLY?   Remember how my kid with Olivia DIED and I never got to see him?   REMEMBER THAT? 
        AVA:  Yeah, there was that.  Sorry.  
        JULIAN:  All I know is that the kid's name was Leo and that Olivia's hiding something.  




  1. "CARLY: Michael, fire up the teleporter. I need to be in his ER cubicle STAT!"

    And she will get there in less than 2 seconds!

    "PATRICK: Kinda hard to do that with you YELLING. IN. MY. EAR."


    "AVERY: GIMME! Da Da Da Ba Ba Ya Ya Goo Goo!"

    Avery: Bye bye bye bye!

    So sweet!!! :)

  2. "And she will get there in less than 2 seconds!"

    Just in time to yell in Patrick's ear ;)
