Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Search and Seizure

      After Ava names Carrrrrrrrlos as Sonny's shooter, the search is on for our favorite departed grimy grease monkey...until a drunken Sloane calls in with a tip.   During the bedside wedding, Sonny drops the ring and has a seizure.   Nikolas and Hayden get an unexpected visitor at The Floating Rib.  Sam is ready to move on from Jason.   Julian has some questions for his mobster sis. 


      MICHAEL:  Hey Dillon's dad, are you the new D.A.? 
      PAUL:  At your service.  
      MICHAEL:  Bring me the head of Carrrrrrrrlos Rivera.  He's the one who shot my dad.  
      DANTE:  Say WHAAAAAAAAAAT?   Where are you getting THIS information?   What happened to Julian Jerome being Public Enemy #1?  
      MICHAEL:  Looks like we were barking up the wrong tree.  It was Carlos.  Ava said so herself. 
      DANTE:  BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!    Ava said so herself.  Good one, bro! 
      PAUL:  What says you, Anna?   This Carlos fella murdered Lavery, so do you think he tried to take Corinthos out too?  


      SONNY:  Um...I...Carly...ring...(starts convulsing)
      CARLY:  NOOOOOOOO!  What's happening to him, Patrick?   Is he going to DIE?  
      PATRICK:  Outtamyway, Carly!  I'm trying to save your almost husband here!  
      LIZ:  (to herself) OMG, poor seizing Sonny!  I feel so guilty about lying to Jason.   Stop convulsing, Sonny.  You're making my conscience go berserk!  


      JULIAN:  So, sis, how did you let me off the hook?  
      AVA:  Simple, dear brother:  I pinned the shooting on one Carrrrrrrlos Rrrrrrriverrrra.  
      JULIAN:  Why would Carrrrrrrrlos shoot Sonny?  
      AVA:  He was pissed at you for screwing him over. 
      JULIAN:  Makes sense.   Can you fly in that dress?   
      AVA:  Ha ha, Jules!   I won't be flying, but you will be.  I'm ever so gently evicting you.   Avery is coming home at last and this place just ain't big enough for the three of us.  
      JULIAN:  Fair enough.   I can go live with Alexis and miss Leo there. 
      AVA:  So sorry, Jules.   I totally forgot about poor Leo.   I never got to meet him.  
      JULIAN:  Neither did I and he was MY kid.  


    HAYDEN:  Come on now, Prince.  Put on the bib so I can take a picture and put it on Instagram. 
    NIKOLAS:  Cassadines don't do bibs.   I didn't even put one on Spencer when he was a baby because Cassadines don't make messes.  
    HAYDEN:  Didn't realize you were so afraid of rib bibs.  
    NIKOLAS:  Cassadines aren't afraid of anything (puts bib on). 
    HAYDEN:  Adorbs!  
    SLOANE:   Screw you, Cassadine!  
    NIKOLAS:  Intoxicated much, Sloane? 
    SLOANE:  It's all YOUR fault I lost Anna.   I was covering for YOUR smarmy ass!  
    HAYDEN:  Take a load off, Mr. Sloane.  Join us.  

      SAM:  OMG, I'm totally over Jason now.  It's a miracle!  
      JAKE:  Are you sure?   I mean the Chinese lady who is as old as Confucius seems to think the dude's still alive and that I'm him.  
      SAM:  You heard Robert.  His dear grandmother isn't Confucius.  She's just confused.   I am ready to move on with my life and accept Patrick's proposal.   Farewell dragon and phoenix.   Nice knowing you. 
      JAKE:  Still, it's weird how many confused or drugged people think I'm this Jason character.  


    PATRICK:  Carly, Sonny had a seizure. 
    CARLY:  That much I figured out when he dropped the ring and started thrashing and jerking around.  What caused it?  Will he live? 
    PATRICK:  It was the dreaded embolism.  I need to do surgery STAT.  
    CARLY:  OMG, Sonny!  Please don't die!   


     SLOANE:  (over phone)  Hey new D.A. guy.  I know where Carrrrrrrrlos is.  Anna plugged him.  Come down to Pier 54 and I'll show you. 
     PAUL:  I'm there. (to Anna)  Nice talking to you, Anna.  Gotta go take care of something. 
     ANNA:  Okay.  Nice catching up with you.  


    NIKOLAS:  I like you, Hayden, but I'm not sure I can trust you.  I don't know that you don't remember who Jake is. 
    HAYDEN:  The feeling is mutual, Nikolas.  I don't believe your story that Helena told me who he is because I've never met the woman. 
    NIKOLAS:  To mutual distrust!  

    PIER 54

    SLOANE:  Here's your key to all the evidence that Anna shot poor Carrrrrlos.  
    PAUL:  That's a very inconvenient truth for me.   Nice job helping my pal Janice rig the election, but I can't have you mucking up my plans to be the most corrupt D.A. this town has ever seen and it has seen countless corrupt D.A.s. 
   PAUL'S GUN:  BANG!  And BANG again! 


1 comment:

  1. "JULIAN: Makes sense. Can you fly in that dress"

    ROFL! With her cape yes! :)

    "SAM: OMG, I'm totally over Jason now. It's a miracle!"

    YAY! ROFL!

    " PATRICK: It was the dreaded embolism. I need to do surgery STAT."

    Oh I hope they put a maxie pad on Sonny's head! :)

    " NIKOLAS: To mutual distrust!"

    Awwww. And that is how you fall in love! ROFL!
