Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Batting Practice With Bill

At least all signs lead to the Luke-Alike being supposedly-dead cousin Bill Eckert, from a time before I began watching.  Of course, NO ONE really dies in The Chuckles, do they?   I'm still feeling under the weather so today's blog will also be brief. 

LUKE-ALIKE/PROBABLY BILL ECKERT:  I've got three words for you, Luke Spencer:  Stink.  Stank.  STUNK!   Ha ha ha!!!!   Get a load of this baseball bat.   It don't belong to Barbara Jean or Patricia.  Yes, PATRICIA, that OTHER Spencer sister.  You're in your childhood home and who knows, I just might be a member of the ol' fam.  Am I Bill Eckert?  That's for ME to know and YOU to find out.  See ya, woudn't wanna be ya! 

LUKE:  Gert ders derk terp erf mer merf!  WHERE AM I????    That's my baseball bat from when I was a kid.  How the hell do you know about Patricia?   WHO ARE YOU???   Wait, ARE YOU BILL ECKERT???  HOW ARE YOU NOT DEAD?   Are you Bill?   ER YER BERL???  ER YER BERL???

BOBBIE:  Michael, you really should forgive you mother.  She was wrong, and she's wrong a lot, but she misses you.   Oh my god!  You're building the AJ Clinic in my old childhood home?   My memories there are not good.   How can Bill Eckert own the house when he's been DEAD for 20 years?  

MICHAEL:  Grandma, yes you can come in.   I've disowned Carly, but I haven't disowned you.   If I were to un-disown my ex-mother, I would be betraying AJ's memory.   The first proposed site for the clinic fell through so I found a place on Elm Street.   That was your childhood home?   Some guy named Bill Eckert owns it and he's not selling.  

TRACY:  Hey, Ned, drop the PickleEddie.  This is for me and Luke.  So who were you out all night with, Alexis or Olivia?   In other words, were you having sex or watching shoot-em-ups?    What do you mean Luke and Bobbie got into a fight?   They fought about Bill Eckert???  

NED:  Stingy, stingy, Mother!   Why all the questions and assumptions about my love life?   What about yours?   Where's your beloved Luke?   He's not having breakfast with Bobbie, that's for sure.  He left all ;pissed off because she brought up the name Bill Eckert.   

CARLY:  So, Olivia, why did you comp a room for Julian Jerome?   You weren't hooking up with him, were you?   Hey, when it comes to sticking it to Alexis, I wholeheartedly approve.   Oh. My. God.  JOHNNY ZACHARRA?  

OLIVIA:  So I slept with Julian, so what?   Ned was kinda busy.  With Alexis.   Who is using him because she's really hung up on Julian.   I'm totally in on the I Hate Alexis Davis club.  Holy crap!  JOHNNY ZACHARRA???  

LULU:  JOHNNY?   You're out of Pentonville???   Don't tell Dante this, but I sorta kinda missed you!   Sure, I'll do some shots with you.   Uh oh.  Dante's here. 

JOHNNY:  Lulu!  I'm a free man!   Innocent as a newborn baby.   Remember the good old days when we were together?  What would have happened if we ran away together and never looked back?   Carly!  Olivia!  Two other ladies from my not-so-distant past!   I've been sprung from the Big House.  Sorry about Connie, Olivia.   And Carly, for the record, I disapprove of Sonny's banning you from seeing him.   Who wants to do shots?  

DANTE:  How is Zacharra free?   He confessed!   I don't trust the guy as far as I can throw him.   He's still hot for my wife.  

ANNA:  Dante, Johnny Zacharra has been cleared of Anthony's murder.  He was released from Pentonville this morning.   I'm not buying that Padilla coerced him into confessing either.   Julian, what are you doing in my office? 

JULIAN:  Carlos, you don't want to kill me.  You want to take a shower.  You can use mine.   Come on, Carlos, you need me as an ally.   So what's your plan to save both our asses?   Commissioner, I'm turning myself in for the murder of Anthony Zacharra.  

CARLOS:  Boss's orders, Julian.  I hate to do this to ya, but I'm gonna have to kill you.  If I don't, then he will kill me.   OR you can do what I tell you and we both live.  



  1. LUKE: Gert ders derk terp erf mer merf! ER YER BERL???

    Hahahaha. I was thinking of you when he was trying to talk! :)

    "Carly: Oh. My. God. JOHNNY ZACHARRA?

    Olivia: Holy crap! JOHNNY ZACHARRA???

    LULU: JOHNNY? You're out of Pentonville??? Don't tell Dante this, but I sorta kinda missed you!"

    Hahahaha. Everyone is shocked, but Lulu is the only one who has warm eyes for him! :) Residual feelings left Lulu? :)

    "JULIAN: Carlos, you don't want to kill me. You want to take a shower."

    ROFL! Does Julian want to take a shower with Caaaaaaaaaarlos?! :)

  2. LOL Wouldn't it be hilarious to do an entire blog in "duct tape speech"?

    Yeah, Lulu was all ready to remember the good old days with Johnny and Dante's looking kinda pissed when he walks into the MetroCourt.

    Who knows? Maybe we have a new bromance brewing between Julian & Carrrrrlos. It looks like guns are still a conversation prop in 2015. LOL
