Tuesday, January 6, 2015


Today's blog's gonna be quick because I'm feeling kinda sick.   It's still New Year's Day in Port Chuckles wormhole and the Luke-Alike wants Carlos to off Julian.  Olivia rips Alexis about using Ned.   Carly and Jake eat leftovers in his room.  The magnetic forces in the MetroCourt hall are at work again, bringing Liz and Ric right by Jake's room as Carly and Jake leave to go upstairs.   Johnny gloats that he's being sprung from Pentonville while Sloane continues to antagonize Anna.   Lucas reappears from the black hole and visits his dad, Julian. 

LUKE-ALIKE:  Carlos, your homework is to wipe out Julian.  P.U., Real Luke!  You STINK! 

CARLOS:   If you say so, but Julian's sorta kinda my friend. 

OLIVIA:  Alexis, don't you DARE use my amazing, wonderful, movie-lovin' Ned to get over the mob boss you're really hung up on. 

ALEXIS:  Olivia, I know you're into Ned, but he's just not that into you.  

CARLY:  Come on, Jake!  Eat some breakfast!  I'll bring up buffet leftovers. 

JAKE:  I don't wanna impose but if the food is there to be eaten.  No, I'm not hung up on Uhlizabeth because she has Ric now. 

RIC:  Hey, Elizabeth, what's the deal with you & Jake? 

LIZ:  I'm in love with YOU, Ric.  Jake just hung up an origami mistletoe, that's all. 

JULIAN:  Lucas, I'm in the mob again.   I don't blame you if you don't want to be my son anymore.

LUCAS:  Look, you don't like that I'm gay.  I don't like that you're in a violent business.  We can agree to disagree, but I kinda like having a dad. 

JOHNNY:  Woo hoo!   I'm a FREE MAN!   Hey Sonny, howz about I pay a visit to Carly, Olivia, & Lulu?  


SLOANE:  Guess what, Anna?   Zacchara's a free man and YOU'RE STILL IN TROUBLE!  

ANNA:  Grow up, Sloane!   Johnny confessed and he's guilty.   End of story. 


  1. "Today's blog's gonna be quick because I'm feeling kinda sick."

    Oh oh! I hope you are feeling better!

    "SONNY: Johnny YOU SON OF A BITCH!!!! "

    ROFL! Sonny's favorite word! :)

  2. I'm feeling a little better today, but colds suck :(

    Yes, that's by far Sonny's favorite phrase.
