Monday, October 26, 2015

Grandma Carly?

     Carly is taken aback when Michael announces that he put a bun in Sabrina's oven.   Dr. Lee gives Dante & Lulu a reality check about implanting their embryo.   Diane gets Spinelli out of a tight spot.  Liz does damage control when Little Jake insists that Big Jake is his father.   Jake worries to Sam about what sort of scary criminal he might have been in his previous life. 


     SONNY:  You and Sabrina are having a kid?   High five, Mikey boy!   The more Corinthoses, the merrier.
     CARLY:  (to herself) Holy CRAP, I'm going to be a friggin' GRANDMOTHER! (to Michael and Sabrina) So, you're really going to have a baby?   Don't rush into this being a father thing.


      DR. LEE:  Here's the deal about planting your embryo into your uterus:  Number one, it could be a defective one, possibly with three heads.  Number two, even if it's a good one, your uterus may not like it.  Number three.  Some dude with a drug problem and an angry Cassadine breathing down his neck could run you off the road. 
      DANTE:  Those are some good points, doc. 
      LULU:  All that stuff can happen?   Seriously?   I thought my uterus was A-okay now that you fixed it. 


     JORDAN:  Listen "Jackal,"  you're in a lot of trouble.  I'm going to report you to the NSA.
     SPINELLI:   Madam Commissioner, are you endeavoring to say that the federal government of the United States of America will be prosecuting The Jackal to the fullest extent of the law?
     SAM:  Hey, Spinelli, I brought some super glue to keep your mouth shut until Diane shows up.
     DIANE:  Diane Miller at your service!  Mr. Spinelli is INNOCENT, Commissioner.  Does this look like the face of a hardened cybercriminal? 


     LI'L JAKE:   Jake IS my daddy because you and Grandma said he was.
     LIZ:  Poor, confused Jakey!   Your grandma and me were just speaking in tongues.   You misunderstood what we said because they don't teach tongues on Cassadine Island. 
     LI'L JAKE:   Whatever, Mom.  Jake is my father and he's only mine, not Cam's or Aiden's, SO THERE! 


     SABRINA:  I'm sorry we kinda blurted out my pregnancy news.   Michael just wanted to cheer his dad up.
     CARLY:  Hey, I can totally deal with being a...being a...with my favoritest son being a father. 


     DIANE:  What's UP with the two of you, hacking into hospital computers and getting into all sorts of crazy trouble for some random guy who can't remember his own name? 
     SAM:  Jake is my friend.  Spinelli is also my friend and he is the Jackal of the interwebs, so I thought one friend could help another.  Simple as that. 
     DIANE:  Oh really?   What does your fiance think of your getting all up in Mr. Doe's beeswax?
     SAM:  Patrick is totally cool with it.   If not, he wouldn't have gotten me this rock. 


      DANTE:  Maybe we should reconsider this whole embryo defrosting thing.  Sometimes stuff just doesn't defrost right.   Take microwave dinners for example.  You know how sometimes there's a cold spot in the middle that tastes disgusting?   Something like that could happen to our embryo.  Well, maybe not EXACTLY like that, but why set ourselves up for disappointment? 
      LULU:  How the hell else are we going to have that second child and give Rocco some company for the times we forget he exists?   It's my uterus and I'll plop and embryo in there if I want to.


    SONNY:  Michael, you gotta make an honest woman outta Sabrina and marry her. 
    MICHAEL:  Aren't we a little overbooked for weddings in this town these days? 

     PIER 54

     JAKE:  What if I was a serial killer in my previous life, Sam?   I can't marry Uhlizabeth knowing that I'm capable of going on a killing spree at any moment. 
     SAM:  I seriously doubt THAT.  You're too nice a guy and serial killers usually don't worry about their criminal past like you do.   That is, if you even HAVE a criminal past.  Spinelli and I will get to the bottom of this, Jake. 


    JORDAN:  You're free, Mr. Spinelli, FOR NOW.  No more Jackal capers with the hospital mainframe, okay?   The NSA are on the top of my contacts list. 
    SPINELLI:  Sincerest thanks, Madam Commissioner.   I am most grateful for your understanding. 


   SONNY:  So, I told Michael to do the honorable thing and marry Sabrina.
   CARLY:  BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!   They're not even in love!   They don't have the PASSION that you and I have.   They don't love each other and hate each other in all the ways two people with our ENDLESS PASSION can love and hate each other. 
   SONNY:  So did Olivia lend you her psychic powers now that she ain't usin' 'em anymore?  



1 comment:

  1. "DR. LEE: Here's the deal about planting your embryo into your uterus: Number one, it could be a defective one, possibly with three heads. Number two, even if it's a good one, your uterus may not like it. Number three. Some dude with a drug problem and an angry Cassadine breathing down his neck could run you off the road."

    ROFL! Boy! So many problems so little time. :)

    "LULU: How the hell else are we going to have that second child and give Rocco some company for the times we forget he exists?"

    Hahahah. Some days are just, Rocco who? :)
