Wednesday, October 14, 2015

That You, Carrrrrrrlos?

     Maxie and Dillon are horrified to see a dead body in the harbor.   Valerie gives Maxie and Nathan an earful about the rumors that she's preggers.  Sonny marries Carly in the hospital chapel and Josslyn returns showing symptoms of SORAS.   Paul has a job for Ava.   Anna feels the heat as questions about Carrrrrrrrrlos's whereabouts continue.  

     PIER 54 

       MAXIE:  Word of advice, Dillon:  Get over Lulu.  Like, yesterday!  
       DILLON:  Sure, Maxie.  I'll just wave a magic wand and my feelings for Lulu will just disappear.  POOF!  
       DILLON:  Drama queen much, Maxie? 
       MAXIE:  Water...Body...Dead...OMG OMG OMG! 
       DILLON:  Someone's celebrating Halloween a little early.  


        JOSSLYN:  I'm back, Mom.  Did you miss me while I was down under?  
        CARLY:  OMG, Joss, how you've...grown up!   What's in the water in Australia?  
        JOSSLYN:  Nothing a corn-fed girl can't handle. 
        CARLY:  Phew!  Still my child of the corn! 

     VALERIE:  SCREW YOU, Nathan!   Thanks for making the whole town think I was PREGNANT!   I am never buying fake Twizzlers for you guys AGAIN!  
      NATHAN:  My bad.  It was a case of mistaken identity. 
      VALERIE:   PFFFFFFFFT!    Next time you've got a hot tip on a pee stick, get your story straight first.  


      PAUL:  I have an assignment for you, Ava.   I need you to handle some transactions for some friends of mine.  
      AVA:  No can do.  I have to look squeaky clean so I can keep my daughter and farm her out to sitters I find on Craigslist.  
      PAUL:  I've got a flash drive and I'm not afraid to use it. 
      AVA:  Can I give you a raincheck on the money laundering?   I'll be happy to do it once I make sure Avery is cared for by MY nannies instead of Sonny's.  


      SONNY:  Well, are we going to have a wedding here or what?  
      CARLY:  Why is everyone all dressed up and I look like Casual Friday?  
      BOBBIE:  Instant wedding dress coming right up!  


       JORDAN:  Anna, do you happen to know where Carrrrrrrrlos Rrrrrrrriverrrrrra is? 
       ANNA:  Last I saw, he was on the Mad Men season finale, meditating with Don Draper.   If you want to find Carrrrrrrrlos, ask Don.  
       JORDAN:  Why did I let my Netflix subscription expire? 


       ANNA:  Liar, liar, pants on fire! 
       AVA:  This is a art gallery, EX-Commish, not a poetry reading. 
       ANNA:  I know Carrrrrrrrrlos didn't shoot Sonny.  
       AVA:  Oh really?  
       ANNA:  He was on the run for murdering Duke.   He boarded a time machine and ended up in the early 1970s, searching for inner peace. 

       PIER 54

       NATHAN:  Damn, Halloween comes early in this town!
       JORDAN:   Let's drag his ghoulish body out of the harbor and see if he has any ID on him.   (checks wallet)  How interesting.  It's the man we're all looking for.   Carrrrrrrrlos Rrrrrrrrriverrrrrra. 
       MAXIE:  OMG!  OMG!   The horror!   I'm SO going to have PTSD now.  


        SONNY:  Sweet Caroline!   Good times never felt so good!  
        CARLY:  You are the SON-shine of my life, Michael.  
        REVEREND:  I now pronounce you husband and...
        EVERYONE:  Dammit, Dante!  Ever heard of vibrate?  
        DANTE:  Gotta go.  A body turned up in the harbor.   It couldn't just wait until the 31st.  
        REVEREND:  I now pronounce you husband and wife.  
        SONNY & CARLY:  PHEW!  
        DANTE:  It was Carrrrrrrrlos.   The body has been identified as Carrrrrrrlos Rrrrrrrriverrrrrra. 
        SABRINA:  OMG!  NOT CARRRRRRRRLOS!  (starts sobbing) 


       MAXIE:  So whose bun is in your oven, Valerie, if it isn't Dillon's?
       VALERIE:  A.  Witnesses don't get to interrogate PCPD employees in here.  B. I'M NOT FLIPPIN' PREGNANT!   
        MAXIE:  But you were STANDING right next to a TRASH CAN with a PEE STICK in it! 
        VALERIE:  Allow me to introduce you to the concept of circumstantial evidence...

        PIER 54

        PAUL:  Look who we found, Anna!   It's Carrrrrrrrrlos Rrrrrrrrrriverrrrrrra.   Any thoughts on, I don't know, how this might have happened. 
        ANNA:  DeLorean accident?   


  1. "CARLY: OMG, Joss, how you've...grown up!"

    Yeah she grew like a weed.. Or a corn! :)

    " CARLY: Phew! Still my child of the corn! "

    Hahahaha. I wonder when Joss will outgrow that. :)

    "AVA: No can do. I have to look squeaky clean so I can keep my daughter and farm her out to sitters I find on Craigslist."

    Craigslist hahahahaha!

    "Ava: I'll be happy to do it once I make sure Avery is cared for by MY nannies instead of Sonny's. "

    So many nannies so little time! :)

    "CARLY: Why is everyone all dressed up and I look like Casual Friday?"


    "JORDAN: Anna, do you happen to know where Carrrrrrrrlos Rrrrrrrriverrrrrra is?
    ANNA: Last I saw, he was on the Mad Men season finale, meditating with Don Draper. If you want to find Carrrrrrrrlos, ask Don.
    JORDAN: Why did I let my Netflix subscription expire? "

    Hahahahaha! I saw him in it! He was great! Time to get Netflix again Jordan! :)

    " MAXIE: OMG! OMG! The horror! I'm SO going to have PTSD now."

    ROFL! Maybe that's why all she can think about is how Val is scratchy and about the pregnancy test. :)

    " ANNA: DeLorean accident?"

    Hahaha! Where is McFly?! Where is Doc Brown?!!?!!?

  2. "Hahahaha. I wonder when Joss will outgrow that. :)"

    LOL Probably never. Once a child of the corn, always a child (or adult, or senior citizen) of the corn.

    "Hahahahaha! I saw him in it! He was great! Time to get Netflix again Jordan! :)"

    The moment I saw him at that hippie retreat I was like "That's Carrrrrrrrrrlos!"

    "Hahaha! Where is McFly?! Where is Doc Brown?!!?!!?"

    LOL! They're trying to retrieve long-lost Port Chuckleheads from whatever non-2015 year they are stuck in ;)
