Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Heartbreak, Thy Name Is Tracy Quartermaine

   Tracy and Dillon demand an explanation from Luke and Tracy blasts Luke for breaking her heart.   Ava almost slips up with Morgan and then learns he and Kiki are back together.   Nathan discusses his Nina troubles with Maxie while Franco confronts Nina at The Floating Rib.   Nikolas and Rosalie conspire to get Dillon's shares into the Cassadine column.   Sabrina voices her suspicions about Rosalie to Michael. 


       DILLON:  Luke you are a BASTARD for what you're doing to my mom.  I have half a mind to give you a knuckle sandwich right here right now. 
       TRACY:  Thanks, but no thanks, Dillon.  If anyone's going to rip Luke Spencer a new one, it's going to be yours truly. 
       LULU:  Dad, I think you owe Tracy an explanation, cuz, you know, you made me throw an engagement party for you and Tracy on five seconds' notice and all.
       LAURA:  Allow me.  When I learned that Luke faced down his demons, that was such a game-changer for me that I hopped a plane from Paris to see if demon-free Luke and I still have a chance. 
       TRACY:  Guess what, Laura?  You're TARDY to the PARTY because I was the one who helped Luke face said demons.  I was the one he put through HELL while he and his despicable father were taking turns inhabiting his body.   SCREW YOU, LUKE!   Every declaration of love you made to me was a LIE.  You only loved me UNTIL Little Miss Angel in Distress came calling your name.   Enjoy your little love affair while it lasts.   You have broken my heart for the LAST TIME, LUKE SPENCER!  THE LAST TIME!!!!   I am DONE, FINISHED, SO LONG, SAYONARA, HASTA LA VISTA, YOU BASTARD!  


        MORGAN:  Denise, we have to stop making out.  I sorta forgot you were not Ava for a minute. 
        AVA:  Ah, come on!  It was just like old--
        AVA:  I mean, I haven't gotten mahself laid in a lawng time.
        MORGAN:  Sorry to hear about the sex drought, Denise, but we really have to--
        KIKI:  Denise!  There you are!   Weren't we supposed to, like, have dinner or something. 
        AVA:  I'm sorry about that, sweetie-pie.  I went ovah to see my othah niece, little Avery.  What a cutie-patootie! 
         KIKI:  Lucky you.   We're still on the No-See List. 
         MORGAN:  Maybe not for long, since Mikey and I had a sort of truce after beating each other up in the ring the other day. 

          NATHAN:  I am the world's biggest idiot for throwing in with Franco.  Nina's never going to trust me again.  Not after I hauled her into the interrogation room and threatened to have her thrown into the pokey. 
          MAXIE:  You threatened to have your sister arrested?  What for?   Poor taste in husbands? 
          NATHAN:  Good one, Max.  I let myself think I was doing this for her own good, so I went along with Franco's plan to have her arrested for kidnapping Baby AJ if she didn't sign annulment papers. 
          MAXIE:  Word to the wise:  Anything Franco says is a good idea, do the opposite.   Even MY ridiculous plans are not as stupid as his. 

          FLOATING RIB

         FRANCO:  I want my ELQ shares back. 
         NINA:  What ELQ shares? 
         FRANCO:  Hello?  The ones I stole from Ned.   Hand 'em over.
         SILAS:  Hey, man, would it kill you to say "Please"? 
         NINA:  No can do.  I don't have them.
         NINA:  I sold them to Rosalie who is working for Michael.  You're barking up the wrong tree, Charlie Brown. 
         Q MANSION

         SABRINA:  I think Rosalie's up to no good. 
         MICHAEL:  How so? 
         SABRINA:  She gives of an "up to no good" vibe. 
         MICHAEL:  Ooooookay. 
         SABRINA:  I mean, she seems all hush-hushy and secretive about stuff.
         MICHAEL:  Well, she DOES supposedly have this huge secret that Nina was holding over her head. 


         NIKOLAS:  Now that we have Franco's shares in the fold, we still need more Q stock to tip the scales to Team Cassadine.  You don't happen to know a Brook Lynn Ashton, do you? 
         ROSALIE:  'Fraid not. 
         NIKOLAS:  Well, there's always Tracy's son Dillon.  I hear he's back in town.
         ROSALIE:  So, how are we going to get our hands on his shares?   Is he cute, because I can sleep with cute. 
          Q MANSION

          FRANCO:  Give me my money, NOW!
          MICHAEL:  What the hell, Franco? 
          FRANCO:  Nina said she sold my shares to Rosalie and I want my half of the money.  I accept all major credit cards, traveler's checks, or you could just give me a big fat wad of cash. 
          MICHAEL:  Rosalie said Nina refused to sell her shares. 
          SABRINA:  The plot thickens...

          HAUNTED STAR

         LULU:  I am so totally pissed at you guys for humiliating Tracy like that.  Bad, parents!  Bad bad bad!  
         LAURA:  I'm sorry Tracy got hurt, but I had to give Luke 2.0 a shot to win me back. 
         LUKE:  Sorry, cupcake, but your mama wants a piece of me .
         LULU:  I am SO not cupcake right now.   I just want to ground you with no TV for two weeks.

        Q MANSION

         DILLON:  I'm so sorry, Mom.   I am hating Luke with the fire of a thousand blazing suns right now.
         TRACY:  So many stairs.   So many of them.   I never should have worn this hideous tablecloth dress and I NEVER should have fallen for Luke Spencer's pack of lies.   After all I went through with him, in the end, I never really stood a chance.
         DILLON:  Luke is not worthy of you, Mom.   No one who puts the most kickass woman I know in second place is worthy of the time of day from her.  


  1. "AVA: I mean, I haven't gotten mahself laid in a lawng time."

    Yeah I figured she would say that. :)

    "NINA: I sold them to Rosalie who is working for Michael. You're barking up the wrong tree, Charlie Brown."

    Yeah I can see her say that! ROFL!

    "LAURA: I'm sorry Tracy got hurt, but I had to give Luke 2.0 a shot to win me back.
    LUKE: Sorry, cupcake, but your mama wants a piece of me".


  2. "Yeah I can see her say that! ROFL! "

    So can I. Silas was so entertained by it all. It was hilarious.
