Tuesday, December 16, 2014

She Walks Through Walls

Helena sure knows how to make a grand entrance.   Judge Walters showed no signs of coming down off his high horse and denies Maxie visitation of Georgie AGAIN!   Dante isn't convinced of Sam's theory about Jake being the Masked Thug who held her hostage.  Liz shares Sam's theory with Jake, which makes Jake very nervous.  Dr. O and Nathan bond in his hospital room.   Olivia confesses her feelings to Ned. 

 MAXIE:  I'm here early, that should count for something.   Hi SkypeNathan!  I miss you.  Wish me luck today in court.  I have my lucky Georgie ornament with me.   No, not that Georgie, my sister Georgie.   Here's Lulu.  Say hi to Lulu, SkypeNathan.  We'd better hang up before the whackjob judge catches me talking with SkypeYou.  Hi Lulu.  Thanks for coming.  No, my mom's not coming because of the recount today.  It's taken like FOREVER to recount the votes and they finally have a winner.   OMG, it looks like my lawyer's not coming either!   Diane just texted and she's stuck at a murder trial upstairs.   Without a lawyer, I'm SCREWED!    Alexis, you're here to represent me?   Weren't you on Lulu's side in the original hearing?  What will Judge Crazy think if you switch sides?  Thanks, Alexis.   I stayed away from Nathan, Judge Walters.  I promise (fingers crossed behind back).  Oh that, I was a volunteer at the hospital and I just happened to stop by Nathan's room.  At the gym?  That was totally not planned!   Wow, that judge has a stick so far up where the sun don't shine that it comes out the other end of him. 

NATHAN:  Hi SkypeMaxie!  I miss you too.  Best of luck in court today.  That's an ornament for your daughter?  I'm confident you are going to spend her second Christmas with her.  You probably shouldn't be skyping with me, just in case the judge happens to walk in.   Hello, Dr...Mother.   Yes, I was talking with Maxie.  You know her?   Oh yeah, you and Faison.  Interesting comparison.   He's still an international terrorist at large, you know that.  Why did Britt leave town anyway?   Nikolas was suing her?   Well, I guess that would make anyone desperate enough to tag along with the likes of Cesar Faison.   Sorta.   I miss my sister.  I barely got the chance to get to know her.   Maxie would be by my side if she didn't have her custody hearing today.   The judge has forbidden her to see me.  No, please don't do anything.  That could make it worse for Maxie. 

LIESL OBRECHT:  Good to see you, Herr Doe.   Vy am I being so nice to you?  Because you helped reunite me and Cesaaah, even if you did shoot Nassan.   But he is going to be zehrgoot because his mutter pulled ze bullet out herself!   You aah doing such good work viss ze little children.   Zey tell me you are an excellent finger painter.   Good morning, Nassan.  Vere you talking to Miss Jones on ze Skype?   I understand how you feel about her because  I feel ze same way about Cesaaah.   I miss him so much.  I vas supposed to go viss him and Britta, but I stayed behind ven I learned you got shot.  Britta had to leave viss her fozzer because she had no choice.   If she stayed, she would have gone to jail sanks to Nikolas Cassadine.   Vy isn't Miss Jones by your side?   Vat is wrong viss zat judge?  Who can I talk viss to fix zis?  

LULU:  Hi SkypeNathan!   Maxie, where are Mac and Felicia?   Oh, that's right.  The recount.   With any luck, at the end of the day we'll have a Mayor Felicia instead of that battleax Lomax.   Where's Diane?  She's not showing up?  Why not?   Alexis, what a surprise!   Thank God you will take Maxie's case. 

ALEXIS:  Maxie, it turns out you do have a lawyer.  Me.  Diane texted me and told me about your situation.   Yes, I know I argued against your case in the first hearing, but we lawyers flip sides all the time.   Judge Walters, I demand an appeal due to your abuse of power.   Expecting my client to follow an order you gave her in a restaurant while she was on a date?   Is there no end to your bias against my client?  

JUDGE WALTERS:  Miss Jones, it appears you have shown every indication of improvement as a potential mother.  HOWEVER, you defied my orders to stay away from Nathan West on several occasions, the most recent of which was yesterday at the hospital.   What about at the gym?   I have my spies.   Visitation is hereby DENIED!  

NED:  Okay, Olivia, out with it.  What's really stuck in your craw?   You have feelings for me?   Why didn't you say something earlier, when you still had the chance?   I like you a lot, Liv, but I'm kinda with Alexis now.   Alexis and I go way back and we're gatekeepers for our crazy families.   We've gotta give it one more go.  But hey, you and I can still be friends.   Whaddaya say?   No?   I can understand, but I'm sure gonna miss you, Liv. 

OLIVIA:  Alright, Ned, you want the truth?   I have some feelings for you.   They weren't there at the beginning of our friendship because I was still getting over Sonny, but they've grown, Ned.   They've really grown.   I know you're with Alexis now but is there ANY chance you might dump her in favor of me?   Sorry, Ned, but the friends thing isn't gonna fly anymore.   If I can't have you in a romantic way, it's going to eat at me every time I see you.   It's going to turn me into a crazy person like this morning at breakfast.   I'll miss you too, but that's the way it's gotta be. 

SAM:  Dante, about that hostage situation, I have a suspect.   I already saw the footage.   Yes, Spinelli.  I know, I saw it illegally, but I needed to get a better look at the guy.   I think it's Jake Doe.  He said to me at the MetroCourt the other day "It's not like I have all day".   He said the exact same thing when he had me at gunpoint.  Are you sure you want me to call Spinelli?   See, look at this close up picture.   Those are Jake's eyes.   There was no match for him in the fingerprint database?  That's weird.   But I swear it was him, Dante.  It was Jake who helped the man who killed my husband escape.  

DANTE:  Sam, I'm sorry about the whole hostage thing.   You have a suspect?   Who?   Wait a minute, Sam.  That's not enough to go on.    How did you see the footage?   Hello, Sam?  You just confessed to viewing illegally obtained footage to a cop.  Not the smartest idea, my friend.   We ran prints on the guy and at first it showed a match, then the match disappeared.  Some sort of glitch.  The whole system needs an overhaul.   Alright, alright.  Let's call Spinelli and see what he can do to this footage.   I want to catch this guy just as much as you want him caught.   He did a great job cleaning up the footage   So this is the guy you think is Jake? 

JAKE:  Dr. O, you're actually happy to see me?   Color me shocked!   What can I say?   Finger painting came back to me just like that (snaps fingers).  I promise to be less psychotic than Franco.   Uhlizabeth, wanna grab some lunch?   Let's go to the top of the stairs.   Aw, come on, that first time was awesome!   I felt like king of the world.   Whaddaya say we, I don't know, plan a stealth food attack on a certain German chief of staff?   Yeah, I saw Sam at that Metro something restaurant the other day.   She was looking at footage trying to figure out who that guy is.   You don't agree with her, do you?  You don't think I would do something like that?   Maybe I should move out.   You barely know me and here I am living in your house with your kids.  

LIZ:  Jake, you snuck up on me!   Sure, I'll grab lunch with you.   This is a lot better than the first time you climbed these stairs.  You looked like you were going to pass out.   As tempting as food-bombing Obrecht sounds, I think I'll pass.  I have at least one kid to feed, possibly two.   I ran into Sam and she has a theory on who held her hostage.  She thinks it was you.   I didn't believe her of course.  It wasn't you, was it?   No, no Jake, I want you to stay with me.   I know you're not capable of being a masked thug.  

NIKOLAS:  Spencer, look!   A Christmas tree!   Spencer?   Come on Spencer, what do you say we decorate it?   So you're still giving me the silent treatment.   Look, Spencer, Britt put you in danger.  I can't have that.  You went to see Britt?  When was that?   What was Great Grandma Lesley doing on the docks?  Last I heard she was out of the country with Grandma Laura.   You saw Helena?    I'm going to call security.  Of course, Great Grandma Helena walks through walls.   What are you doing here Grandmother?   I'm going to call security to escort you right back to whatever circle of hell you came from.  Don't you DARE speak to my son.  Don't you dare go near him.   No, I don't miss you, Grandmother.  I don't miss your psychopathy and your trying to control me.  You're not psychotic?   If you're not psychotic, my name is not Nikolas Cassadine!   Now will you kindly get lost?    Ugh, haven't we had this conversation 9,000 times.  What if I don't WANT to take my place in this family the way YOU would have me do it?

SPENCER:  Not talking to you, Dad.  Still not talking to you.   Okay I'll break my silence to say this.  I saw Britt the other day at the docks.  She was really sad and she said she had to leave.  I was going to go with her but Great Grandmother told me not to.  No, not that Great Grandmother.  Great Grandmother Snake Hair.   She is one scaaaaaaary lady.  I think she's really a witch.  She just walked through that wall.   Is she going to throw me in the oven, Dad?   Hello Great Grandmother.  Please don't eat me.   Okay, but don't let her eat you either.   I may be mad at you but I still kinda need a dad. 

HELENA:  Hello, my darling Nikolas.  And young Spencer too.   Rumors of my demise were highly exaggerated.  By now you must know Nikolas:  Cassadines NEVER die.  They just go through cold spells for the sake of rejuvenation.   Now Spencer, your father and I must have a discussion on matters that don't concern you.   Nikolas, my darling, you need to --what's that silly American phrase?--step up your game.   Mikkos, Stavros, Stefan and Victor are all gone now.  You must take the throne as the family patriarch.   Oh Nikolas, don't be so TEDIOUS!   I am NOT psychotic.  Maybe Stavros and Mikkos were, but the allure of psychosis is rather underrated.   If you refuse to take your place in this family, I will be forced to take drastic action.   The castle, the wealth, the title, will all be taken away and you'll be living in a dreadful, pedestrian little room over that plebeian diner.  


  1. "Spencer: Great Grandmother Snake Hair. She is one scaaaaaaary lady. I think she's really a witch. She just walked through that wall. Is she going to throw me in the oven, Dad? Hello Great Grandmother. Please don't eat me. Okay, but don't let her eat you either. I may be mad at you but I still kinda need a dad. "

    ROFL! The original bionic woman walks through walls and has power! :)

    "Maxie: Hi SkypeNathan!

    Nathan: Hi SkypeMaxie!"

    ROFL! They don't even call it skype. They call it facetime hahaha!

  2. Oh, I thought it was Skype. I have abandoned the iphone in favor of Android, so it's all Skype to me ;)
