Tuesday, December 30, 2014

New Year's Wormhole Eve Part II

The NYE shindig at the MetroCourt is underway and everyone is in their festive finery.   Maxie and Nathan get their wires crossed AGAIN, but reunite in the nick of time.   

 MAXIE:  WHERE'S NATHAN WHERE'S NATHAN WHERE'S NATHAN????   Different airport?   I'll come get you!   WHERE'S NATHAN WHERE'S NATHAN WHERE'S NATHAN????  Not at THIS airport either?  Crap, my car got towed.  I'll take a cab home.  WHERE'S NATHAN, WHERE'S NATHAN, WHERE'S NATHAN????   I got a lift home after my cab broke down.  Who's at the door!   NATHAN!!!!!    HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!! 

  NATHAN:  Maxie, I'm at Beecher's Corners.   (spotty cell reception) D--come--me--I--ab.   Hey, Dante, Lulu, where's Maxie?   Maxie, where are you?   Dammit, our teleporters really need to get fixed!   Hey Maxie, I went to pick you up and...JUST KIDDING!  I'm here!   Happy New Year, Maxie! 

  DANTE:   Why do we have to wait up for Maxie for the 5,000th time?   I'm hungry.   What the hey, I'll have a rib or two. 

  LULU:  Because Maxie's my bestie, that's why!   I'll have a rib too.  Nathan, you're back!   Maxie?  She's not with you?   Jeez, can't one of you stay put long enough for the other to catch up?   Dante, I'm tired.  Let's go home. 

  RIC:  Elizabeth, you look stunningly amazingly gorgeous!   Oh look, there's the SOB who framed me.  Thanks for snatching six months of my life, JULIAN!    Don't go around playing the victim.  You're in the mob.  People get shot.  Get used to it.  Gotta go.  See ya, wouldn't wanna be ya!   Elizabeth, what's your drifter friend doing here?  

 LIZ:  Oh, Ric, aren't you full of compliments tonight!   Honey, let's stop antagonizing mob bosses and go upstairs to the party, okay?   Jake?   I didn't expect to see you here.  

JULIAN:  Lansing, it wasn't my fault.  The devil--my nameless boss--made me do it.   If it isn't Ted and Alexis.   Hey preppy boy.  What do you say we go outside and engage in some good ol' fashioned fisticuffs?   What better way for the lover who jilted me to spend her New Year's Eve, in the ER with your sorry ass!   So, Olivia, you hate seeing the object of your questionable affection with Alexis too, don't you.   Let's dance and make the both of them jealous, shall we?  

NED:  Well, if it isn't the sore loser.   Alexis is with me and, well, I don't see anyone with you.   Sure, I'll kick the crap out of you if you want me to.   Let's do it.   What's wrong, Alexis?   You don't like to see two men fighting over you?   Olivia, why don't you want to be my friend?  

ALEXIS:  Will the two of you cut it out and stop acting like preschoolers arguing over a toy truck in the sandbox?   Sam, I see you brought Patrick with you.  What's the relationship status with the two of you?   Did you book two rooms or one?  

OLIVIA:  Hey, there will be no fighting you two.  Julian, you need to get some booze in you and I need to not see Ned and Alexis together so let's go upstairs.  What has my life come to.  I'm commiserating with Julian Jerome!   Okay, Julian, one dance.   This night can't end fast enough. 

ANNA:  So you and Lucy, Duke?   No, Agent Sloane is not my...or is he?   Hate to tell you this, Kyle, but I think your date has another date.  She upgraded from a WSB agent to a prince.   Good on her.   You want to dance with me, a criminal, now?  

DUKE:  Lucy, you look lovely.  Anna, where is that gentleman with whom you were having lunch earlier today?   He is your date, isn't he?   

AGENT SLOANE:  My date's coming.   Yes, she does exist.  I met her at the gym.   There she is.   So, you're dumping me for the prince, are you?  That's okay.  I've got the target of my criminal investigation, the Faison-hider to squire around for the evening.  Would you like to dance, Anna? 

SHAWN:  Jordan, you look amazing!   Living dangerously, are we?  I mean, you're a target of the Jeromes.   You told Julian WHAT?   How do I know you aren't playing Duke's organization against Julian's?   Relax, I believe you but you need to convince Duke to hire you.   Duke, Jordan and I need to have a private chat with you. 

LUCY:  Dukey-poo!  I'm here!  Don't I look FABULOUS?   Hey, it's not nice to leave your date while you go off and have a private meeting somewhere! 

JORDAN:  Looking good, Shawn.   Oh, Julian did try to kill me but I told him he'd better not antagonize you and Duke, because I'm working for you now.   If you'll hire me that is.   After all I saved Michael's life and helped you free Ric.  

JAKE:  Hi Carly.  Could you give me a job so I can stop shoveling snow?   Really, you'll let me be your bartender after I screwed up your martini?   Okay, I can handle a tray of champagne glasses.  I think...Want champagne Sam?  I promise I won't abduct you.   Thanks, Carly, for helping me save face.  Your Jason was lucky to have you as a friend.  

CARLY:  Jake, you were out there shoveling snow?   Of course I'll hire you.   How about giving bartending another go?   2014 totally sucked for me.  I spent most of it with a psycho and then lost my son and his father in the process.   Happy New Year, everybody! 

IVY:  Kyle, is it okay if I dump you for Nikolas?   I met him two seconds ago, but I kinda like him better. 

NIKOLAS:  Ivy, you don't happen to have a history of conspiring with 9-year-olds, do you?   No?  Then it's a date!  

1 comment:

  1. MAXIE: WHERE'S NATHAN WHERE'S NATHAN WHERE'S NATHAN???? Different airport? I'll come get you! WHERE'S NATHAN WHERE'S NATHAN WHERE'S NATHAN???? Not at THIS airport either? Crap, my car got towed. I'll take a cab home. WHERE'S NATHAN, WHERE'S NATHAN, WHERE'S NATHAN???? I got a lift home after my cab broke down. Who's at the door! NATHAN!!!!! HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!

    The whole damn show! Where's Nathan???!?! ROFL

    "IVY: Kyle, is it okay if I dump you for Nikolas? I met him two seconds ago, but I kinda like him better. "

    ROFL! Nah Mr. Yum yum don't mind. He can have a fling with Anna! :)

    "NIKOLAS: Ivy, you don't happen to have a history of conspiring with 9-year-olds, do you? No? Then it's a date! "

    ROFL! You forgot to add, that she looks like Emily! :)
