Monday, March 16, 2015

My Top Ten Favorite GH Characters to Spoof

   I'd like to send a shout-out to my most loyal reader, Sonya, for inspiring this list.  In the comments for last week's shows, we were talking about how much fun it is to write parody dialogue for Spinelli.  He is among many of the most spoofable citizens of Port Chuckles.  This is not necessarily a list of my favorite GH characters, though many of my faves are on this list, but a list of the characters that are the most fun to send up in my recaps. 

   1. Dr. Obrecht:  The accent puts her on top of my list and her role as GH Gestapo/Chief of Staff/Mad Scientist gives me loads of material.   There hasn't been nearly enough of Liesl on GH lately, and therefore a little less hilarity here.   

   2. Franco:  The Roger Howarth incarnation of Franco, with a heavy infusion of Todd Manning is a riot to spoof.  

   3. Spinelli: He has his own language and way of speaking:  The more words to express one thought, the better. 

   4. Helena: The glamorous she-devil also has a manner of speaking that is all her own.  If only she and Spinelli could share one scene.  What a linguistic coup that would be! 

   5. Heather:  Franco's mother and BLT afficionado Heather Webber fell out of the loony tree and hit every branch on the way down.  
   6. Nina:  Her boarding the Whackadoo Express last October was what inspired this blog.   

   7. Jake:  He doesn't know who the hell he is.   He wears pads for bandages.  He steals little Chinese figurines.  He had a RoboGoon microchip in his brain that was implanted on the orders of Helena and/or Victor Cassadine.  He has three women obsessed with him.   'Nuff said. 

   8. Ava:  She may not be as over-the-top kooky as some of the other characters on this list, but she's had her moments, such as arranging the Great Jailbreak of 2015, eavesdropping on her own memorial service, and being on the receiving end of Nina's Needles of Badness. 

  9. Carrrrrrrrrlos:  Grease Monkey #1 is one of the more entertaining mob goons, that's for sure. 

 10. Maxie:  The president of the Port Chuckles OMG sorority (Lulu is the vice president), she's always finding hilariously soapy ways to screw up her life.  


  1. Hahahaha. This is a great list! I'm glad I inspired you. :)

  2. Thanks. I forgot to add: Honorable mentions to all the babies, toddlers, and inanimate objects in The Chuckles (Mr. Lamp, the clock, the bombs, the fire).

  3. Hahaha! Yes! And also the mailbox, Sonny's cake, and Ariel the doll. :)

  4. They predate this blog, but if it was around, they would have had their say ;)
