Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Nathan To The Rescue

   Jordan's in a jam with Duke ordering her off Julian, so Nathan comes up with a plan.   Michael and Duke get in each other's faces at the MetroCourt.  Upon meeting Julian, Jake declares his hatred for Sonny.   Carly assures Sonny that even though Jake's throwing in with the Jeromes, she is on his side.  Lucy changes Sabrina's mind about performing at the Nurses' Ball.  Morgan and Kiki plot to make Michael look like an unfit parent.


   JORDAN:  Guess what, Anna?   Duke put the kill order on Julian Jerome and he wants ME to do it.
   ANNA:  Duke's ordering executions now? 
   JORDAN:  He ordered this one, with a side of chili fries.   I know he's testing me. 
   ANNA:  Dammit!  I should have pulled you out of this.   Here's the plan.  You go to a safehouse...
   JORDAN:  I'm not abandoning TJ again.  He sorta kinda doesn't hate me now.
   NATHAN:  If I may interject, I have a plan.   Jordan, you wear a wire and catch Duke in the act of ordering a hit on Jerome. 
    ANNA:  I want it ALL, Nathan!   I want the WHOLE Corinthos organization brought to their knees, not just Duke. 
    NATHAN:  Or are you having second thoughts about sending Duke to the hoosegow?  
    ANNA:  Fine, let's do it.


    JAKE:  Chill out, dude!  Jerome probably wants me to write the gossip column for his paper. 
    SONNY:  And I'm Helena Cassadine.   Anybody working for Julian is my enemy.  End of story.
    CARLY:  What the hell's going on here?  Sonny, why are you attacking the Patron Saint of Kotex?   He's getting me a great discount on tampons and pantiliners.
     SONNY:  Your friend here is selling maxi pads to the opposition.  He's working for the JEROMES.  My enemies!
     CARLY:  Aren't you on sabbatical from the mob until you get Avery back?
     SONNY:  That's beside the point.  Jake is bad news, Carly.   
     JAKE:  I'm outta here.
     CARLY:  I thought you were okay with me being Jake's friend.
     SONNY:  That was before he started working for Julian.  The bromance is over.  He wants my territory and I'm not just gonna let him take it.
     CARLY:  Let's change the subject.   How's the appeal going.
     SONNY:  As long as the judge is in Michael's pocket, it ain't goin' nowhere.


    KIKI:  Morgan, we have to get Avery away from Michael.  He hired PSYCHOBRINA as Avery's nanny.  She tried to KILL our little sister when she was still in my mother's womb.   She is totes not safe with Michael.
    MORGAN:  I've got a plan.  Let's make him out to be an unfit parent just like he did to my dad. 
    KIKI:  Um, how are we going to do that?   The judge is banging his grandmother.  
    MORGAN:  Three words:  Child Protective Services.   We make Mikey out to be an alcoholic and they'll have to take Avery away. 
    KIKI:  But he's not an alcoholic, at least not yet.
    MORGAN:  Addiction is a Quartermaine birthright, Kiki.  His grandfather was hooked on pills, AJ was a drunk...it runs in the family.   Now all we have to do is set him up to look like a boozehound and Avery is outta there.  Are you in?


     LUCY:  Sabrina, OMG, you know the Nurses' Ball is coming up, right? 
     SABRINA:  Yeah, about that...
     LUCY:  YOU, my friend, are going to sing the opening number. 
     SABRINA:  I don't think so.
     LUCY:  Oops, I forgot.  Last year's ball when your baby died and all. 
     SABRINA:  Thanks for reminding me.   I can't do the ball this year, Lucy.  It's not about the baby, it's about me not being a nurse at GH anymore.  I was given the axe.
      LUCY:  But you REVIVED the Nurses' Ball and you're still a nurse, right?   Please say you'll do it, Sabrina.  Pretty please with whipped cream, a cherry and sprinkles.  Extra sprinkles.  GOLDEN effing' SPRINKLES! 
      SABRINA:  Fine, I'll do it because if I don't you'll torture me until I do. 


     JULIAN:  Carlos, I'm bringing another dude into the organization.  He's going by the name of Jake Doe.
      CARLOS:  Oh no you don't!   That dude's a whackjob who almost blew up a boat that my Sabrrrrrrrina was on.   He also head-slammed me at the Metro Court for chewing Carly out about making me take the fall for AJ's murder.
      JULIAN:  About the boat thing, the she-devil made him do it.  
      JAKE:  So, where's the scrub brush and the bottle of Lysol.   I'm ready to clean toilets for the Jerome organization. 
      JULIAN:  I'm hiring you because my daughter asked me to.  However, my associate has a bone to pick with you.  Carlos, have at it. 
      CARLOS:  Remember that time at the MetroCourt where you slammed my head into a table?   I took offense, man.  
      JAKE:  I only did it because you were manhandling my friend Carly.  
      CARLOS:  Any friend of Carly is a friend of Sonny Corrrrrrintos and any friend of Sonny Corrrrrrintos is an enemy of ours.  
      JAKE: Look, I just met Sonny, and this is crazy, but he hates my guts, and I hate his, maybe.  
      JULIAN:  You think you can turn that maybe into a definitely?  
      CARLOS:  I don't know about this, man.  My head hasn't been the same...
      JULIAN:  That's why I'm in charge, Carlos, and you're NOT.  Doe, you're hired.  


       MICHAEL:  Isn't this cute.  Taking orders for your loverboy Sonny.   
       DUKE:  My business with Sonny is none of YOUR business.  You stole Sonny's daughter from him and if you had any decency, you'd give her back. 
       MICHAEL:  You are an ungrateful hypocrite.   Who gave you your first job in town when you got back from that Turkish prison?  AJ!   No one else would hire you.   How do you repay my father?  You cover up his MURDER!   You're DEAD TO ME, Duke.   DEAD. TO.  ME.  
       SABRINA:  Michael, what's going on here?  
       MICHAEL:  Come on Sabrina.  Let's go to the bar.  I gotta have booze right now. 
       SABRINA:  Maybe you shouldn't be fighting with people in front of the baby.  
       MICHAEL:  You're right.  Sorry, AJ.   By the way, Sabrina, you start tonight.   I may have a new location for the clinic and I have a business meeting. 
        SABRINA:  Fingers crossed.   I'm so ready to be an actual nurse again.  

        LUCY:  Did I come at a bad time, Duke?   You were really getting into it with Michael. 
        DUKE:  It's always a good time for you, Lucy.  
        LUCY:  Good.  Now I'm planning for the 2015 Nurses' Ball and it's going to be the Best. Nurses. Ball. EVAH!   Because, you know, I'm always trying to outdo myself.  Can I borrow one of your kilts?  I want to learn to play the bagpipes for this year's ball.   By the way, what's your status with Anna?  Are you over?  Do you still have feelings for her?   Because if you still have feelings for her, I'll totally back off.  
         DUKE:  Well...




  1. "CARLY: What the hell's going on here? Sonny, why are you attacking the Patron Saint of Kotex? He's getting me a great discount on tampons and pantiliners."

    ROFL! Poor maxi pad is getting a bad rap!

  2. Poor Jake is ready for this period to be over! LOL

  3. ROFLMAOPMP! Really good one!!!!!!
