Monday, July 6, 2015

He's Alive!

     The "he" in question is, according to Lucky, little Jake Spencer, Jason and Liz's son who was adopted by Lucky.  Four years ago, he was thought to have died when he wandered into the street and was hit by an inebriated Luke Spencer.   One thing this regime just loves to do is bring back the dead.  It's to the point that it's a parody of the soap genre, but in this case (as well as Helena's case because, you know, Constance Towers), I'll suspend the eye-rolling because I'm happy that the kid is supposedly being brought back to life.  It seemed cruel to kill off a 4-year-old kid, even if these things, tragically, happen in real life.  
      I'm off my soapbox (pun very much intended) now.  In other news around The Chuckles, Aiden has returned from the Kiddie Witness Protection Program with only mild de-SORAS to show for his extended absence.  He and Danny, who are now about the same age, despite being born two years apart, enjoy the fireworks with Liz and Jake and Sam and Patrick respectively.  Sam is taken aback to see Nina and Silas together.  Ava tells all to Franco and makes a deal with him to ensure his silence.   Lucky shoots Frank Smith in time to rescue his parents and Luke plugs him a few more times for good measure, but not before he reveals that Lucky was in on his own kidnapping.   Lucky tells Luke and Laura that he went along with Frank's plan to save his son Jake's life.  Dante and Valerie do the nasty in the bed he shares with Lulu.  


     AIDEN:  The fireworks are so awesome, mom and Jake!   I'm so glad I'm not in Kiddie WP anymore so I can see it with you and this guy who isn't my daddy but he's pretty cool so it's okay.
     LIZ:  We're glad too, Aiden.  Right, Jake? 
     JAKE:  Yeah, now you and Danny are the same age.   Funny how things work out. 
     DANNY:  I want more fireworks!   Why are there no more fireworks, mommy? 
     SAM:  The fireworks are over until next Fourth of July, kiddo.  
     DANNY:  DADDY!  (Runs over and gloms himself onto Jake) 
     PATRICK:  Was it something I said?  

      SILAS:  Nina, fancy meeting you here.  Where's Ric?  
      NINA:  He's busy working.  My new hubby is a workaholic.  
      SILAS:  Seems that way.  Other than his inability to spend time with his wife on a major holiday, how is married life treating you? 
      NINA:  Pretty good, I guess.  
      SILAS:  What's the "I guess" part about?   Don't tell me you're still pining for Franco!
      NINA:  Franco?  He's moved on.  He's dating this Denise DiMuccio from Queens.   She's a real piece of work.  Why do you look like you've seen a ghost?   You know her, don't you? 
      SILAS:  Of course I do.  She's my daughter's niece.  


       AVA/"DENISE":   I'm telling you, Franco, I am Avery's mother.  It's me, Ava. 
       FRANCO:  PFFFFFT!   Nice try, Denise. 
       AVA/"DENISE":  Remember how you ditched me and left me to get shot by Carlos? 
       FRANCO:  How do you remember that?
       AVA/"DENISE":  Hello?  Earth to Franco?   I AM AVA JEROME! 
       FRANCO:  You can't be!   Ava's dead.   She was shot and fell of a friggin' bridge!  
       AVA:  Silas saved my life. 
       FRANCO:  No way!  
       AVA:  Way!  He nursed me back to health in a secret green windowless room in Manhattan.  
       Then he said I had cancer.  I wanted to die, but he gave me a bone marrow transplant against my will and I was cured.  Then I had a choice to make:  1. Never see my family again.  2. Come back to The Chuckles and get arrested.  3. Reinvent myself as my twin since I had two sets of DNA from the bone marrow transplant.  I'll leave it to you to figure out which option I went with. 
        FRANCO:  So SILAS kidnapped Avery all along?  It wasn't Nina?   I'm kinda feeling like vindicating my ex-girlfriend right now. 
        AVA:  You might want to rethink that.  I have a better idea.  


        LUCKY'S GUN:  BOOM!   (Frank Smith collapses with blood on his chest) 
        LUKE AND LAURA:  Lucky! 
        LUCKY:  Here I come to save the day!  
        LUKE:  Come here, Cowboy!  
        LULU:  OMG, Lucky! 
        LUCKY:  You are one badass little sister, Lulu!  
        DILLON:  Don't mind me.  I'll just hang out and brainstorm ideas for my next film.
        FRANK:  Ha ha ha!  I ain't dead yet and I'm still holding a gun!  
        LUKE:  But you're not in very good position to defend yourself, are you now?
        FRANK:  Lucky set this whole thing up.  He was in on it the whole time.
        LUKE:  BOOM!  BOOM!  BOOM!   That'll do it!   Hey, Lucky, come here a sec. 
        LUCKY:  Yes, I was in on the kidnapping, but it was only because I was trying to save my son Jake. 
        LUCKY:  Jake is alive.   My son is alive. 


        DANTE:  (over the phone):  Hello, Lesley.  How's Lulu?   That's right, she's not with you.  She' home taking care of poor, sick Rocco.  Arrivederci! 
        VALERIE:  I'm so sorry my cousin is a cheating cheater who goes off to another country to cheat on you with Dillon. 
        DANTE:  It's not your fault.   I thought Lulu and I could survive anything, but no, she has to go off to Canada to get her fireworks on with Dillon Quartermaine.   This beer is making me really, really horny.  Let's do the nasty!  
       VALERIE:  We really shouldn't, but...(Dante kisses her and she kisses him back.  Sex ensues).  


        AVA:  So you'll keep quiet as long as I help you win back Nina?  
        FRANCO:  Sure, why not?  

      SAM:  We can't tell Elizabeth or Patrick about our plans to take down Nikolas.  Patrick totally blabbed to Liz that I was investigating ELQ, so we have to keep this on the down low.
      JAKE:  I hear ya.  Mum's the word.  


      JAKE:  Glued to the screen much?
      LIZ:  I'm trying to track down Lucky so he can stop avoiding talking to his son.
      JAKE:  What's the deal with this Lucky guy anyway, other than him being lucky to have been with you?  
      LIZ:  He's haunted by the ghost of little Jake, our son who died.
      JAKE:  Wait, I'm confused.  I thought Jake was Jason's son.  
      LIZ:  Lucky adopted him.  


  1. " AIDEN: The fireworks are so awesome, mom and Jake! I'm so glad I'm not in Kiddie WP anymore so I can see it with you and this guy who isn't my daddy but he's pretty cool so it's okay."

    Hahaha. I'm glad Aiden isn't in Kiddie WP anymore too!

    " DANNY: DADDY! (Runs over and gloms himself onto Jake) "



    PFFFFT!!!! :)

    "FRANK: Ha ha ha! I ain't dead yet and I'm still holding a gun! "

    He was shot like a 100 times and he didn't die!!!! :)

  2. "He was shot like a 100 times and he didn't die!!!! :)"

    ROTFL! Who does he think he is? A Cassadine?
